Chapter 3 - The Start Of One Direction

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A/N Hey guys, sorry i took so long to upload again, it's hard for me to write with all these busy days and writers block, but i try my best for you guys :)

Enjoy Monkeys :D x


Annies Pov

Well Liam went to boot camp, but he didn't get through, well not on his own anyway. Basically Liam and four other guys, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan and Zayn Malik didn't get through boot camp along with four other girls, well and a lot of other people, but there's something special about these nine people. They got called back in and asked if they'd like to join into two groups, the boys would be One Direction and the girls would be Belle Amie. The judges said that they didn't want their talents to go to waste.

Yes, Liam has been home, you should have seen the party, it was amazing, sadly no alcohol. But plenty of Rockstar, so I went massively hyper and basically acted drunk. That's me crazy, hyper Annie, but thats why all my friends love me, especially Liam. LOL ( yes i say LOL in my story, I also sometimes put smileys :D ). Well since the party, Liam has been packing for going to the Judges house, all he knows is that he's going LA he doesn't know which judge, but I know he's hoping for Simon again, in a way I wish he gets someone else, it was Simon who sent him home after Judges Houses in 2008.

Liams Pov

I can't believe what is happening, I mean for the second time I've got through to the Judges House, I hope me and the guys get Simon. Oh yeah, you don't know. Well at bootcamp, I didn't get through, on my own. But I did get through with the boys, Harry, Louis, Niall and Zayn. They're all a year younger than me but they're really easy to get along with. They seem real nice people, I want Annie to meet them, but she doesn't know yet. I've been packing to go to LA, I can't wait to see the guys again, Harry and Zayn come from Manchester, Niall comes from Ireland and Louis, from Doncaster. I can't wait for judges house cause I get to see the other guys, and finally sing with them. But I'm gunna miss Annie, She's everything, she cheers me up so much, she's just so happy and carefree.

'Liam!' Mum shouts up the stairs.

'Yes Mum?' I reply.

'You finished packing yet?'

'Almost, just got to finish.'

'Okay, well don't forget early morning tomorrow.'

'Yehh, I know Mum.'

Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm going LA Tomorrow. I can't wait, well i best pack the rest of my stuff.

Annies Pov

I think I might ring Liam in a minute, I mean he is leaving for LA tomorrow, I know it's not for long but still, I'm gunna miss my bestfriend. It's gunna be weird, whenever we go on holidays our families normally go together, so I hardly ever go a day without seeing him, I know what you're thinking 'Its a bit extreme, seeing him everyday.' But it's not. It's just how we are. I'm laying on my bed and get up to get my phone off my desk. I look through my contacts and click on Liams name and ring him.

-Phone Conversation Start-

L -Hey..

A - Hey Bee

L - How are you?

A - I'm good, gunna miss my best friend though. you?

L - Im so excited for tomorrow, But i'll miss you too Bumble.

A - Nice to know i'll be missed. :D

L - I always miss you when I'm not with you. That sounds really corny don't it?

A - You're always corny Bee.

L -  I guess I am. That why you love me.

A - You believe that.

L - I will, Thanks.

A - I stil can't believe your going LA tomorrow!

L - Nor can I. I'm nervous though.

A - It's good to be nervous Bee.

L - I guess. Oh and no matter what, whether me and the guys get through or not, you're meeting them.

A -  No, Liam! Don't make me meet new people, I'll be all crazy and they'll hate me.

L - Nahh, They're crazy themselves, they'll love you like I do Bumble.

A - If you say so. Don't you need to get sleep?

L - I guess I do, you trying to get rid of me then?

A - No, just don't want you turning up to LA shattered. I'm looking out for my bestfriend.

L - Arww, you're sweet when you want to be.

A - When I want to be?!

L - You can be mean when you want to.

A - Oi, you take that back.

L - Nope, I think I'm just gunna go bed now, as you said I needmy leep for tomorrow.

A - Meanie. Ok, ok go sleep then. Text me when you to LA to say you've arrived safely.

L - I will do Bee. 

A - Good good Bumble, night night. 

L - Night Bee. 

-Phone Conversation End-

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