Chapter Four - Diamonds Aren't Forever

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Olis P.O.V.

"So you just got kicked out? Just like that?" My friend Matt Kean asked. I nodded and walked down the sidewalk, hands stuffed in my jeans pocket and shoulders slouched. "Yeah, they replaced me." I realized I was sweetening up the story by leaving out the fact that I was always late for band practice, but hey- it's not like it really mattered.

Matt hmmed and walked down the sidewalk with Julie and I silently. Julie and I were walking up to the park together when I had seen my class-mate. Julie  sighed in annoyance. I ignored it and continued to talk with Matt. Again, Julie sighed- this time louder. I rolled my eyes to Matt and turned to Julie. 

She'd been getting on my nerves lately.. "Yes, dear?" I asked, with a hint of sarcasm. "I thought it was just going to be the two of us going for a walk, Oliver." She whined and looked up at the darkening sky. 

"I, uh. I can. Leave. If you want me to." Matt said awkwardly and pointed down the road behind us. Before I had time to reject Matt's offer, Julie had already answered. "That would be nice, thank you." 

Matt nodded. "Right. Well, see you later, Oli!" He called as he turned on his heel and started to walk back where we had came from. He probably had band practice. Matt was in a band, too.

Then it occurred to me that maybe I could-

"So, Oli. Now that he's gone, we can get back to what we were talking about." 

"Hm?" I asked, lost in thought. I was busy thinking of-

"You know? That new restaurant in town that you said you'd take me to.." She sighed dreamily and  wrapped her arms around mine. I stifled a groan as I started to grow annoyed. She hadn't been like this until the past two days or so, and it was already getting on my nerves.

"Oh, yeah. That place." I replied. Thankfully, Julie dropped the conversation and our walk was continued in silence. I began to relax my tension and leaned against Julie as she was. As we neared the park, the sun was almost set.

It was nice and relaxing, I guess.. About an hour passed with me on the swing and Julie on my lap. Her arms were draped around my shoulders as I clung to the swing chains. It was a slow, yet passionate kiss- her soft lips feathering against mine that were moving lazily back. 

She broke the kiss and rested her forehead on mine, smiling. I smiled back. After that, we talked and talked about absolutely nothing. After we were done talking about one thing, there was another thing. It was a comfortable conversation, though.

We were in the middle of a playful dispute over what color went well with my eyes (Julie had started the conversation of course) when I heard a group of males approaching the swing set. Night had fallen by now, and I had to strain my eyes to see who was coming. 

I recognized Matt Kean, Lee, and Curtis, with some other boy. Julie turned her head to also see who was coming. She grew stiff and I felt panic in her suddenly tight grasp. Oh great, she was going to get worked up about Matt being here again.

The deep conversation between the boys stopped as one that I didn't recognize called out, "Julie?"

Matt's P.O.V.

I stopped dead in conversation with Lee at the sight in front of me. There, my ex-girlfriend was, wrapped around some boy. I knew that I didn't have any right to be jealous, but that didn't really matter to me.

Julie stared back at me, I could tell she was tensed up and her face flickered with surprise. "Oh, hey, Matt." She called feebly. I lifted my hand as if in a wave as my other friend Matt Kean replied, sounding slightly confused. "Hey, Julie." 

Lee elbowed Matt Kean in the gut and huffed under his breath. "Not you, idiot." Matt fell silent as if confused, then looked at me, then breathed., "Oooh.." Finally, murmuring an apology.

I looked back at Julie who was looking guiltily at me. Why was she looking guilty? It wasn't like she was cheating or anything. She had already broken up with me. My stomach clenched as I studied the pair huddled on the single swing.

The long, black-haired boy who now had his arms wrapped around Julie's waist appeared rather confused. He sat and listened, eyebrow raised and searching us with his hazel eyes. He was attractive.. I could see why Julie was with him now, whatever his name was.

But I still hated him. It didn't stop my jealousy.

Curtis, Lee, and the other Matt awkwardly shifted on their feet as Julie and I stared at each other with the black-haired boy switching his confused gaze from me to Julie. "Hey, Julie." I finally replied, staring blankly at her green eyes. Julie nodded and looked away. 

Silence.. Silence. Lee broke out in a fit of coughing. I looked over at Lee as everybody else did. "Sorry.." He mumbled. 

"Hey Oliver, Hey Julie.. again." The other Matt lifted up his hand as if in greeting and the black-haired boy, Oliver, smiled a forced smile. "Hey, Matt." He was talking to Matt Kean.. 

God, that got confusing.

Julie lifted herself from Oliver's lap and pulled him off the swing by his hand. Oliver groaned as if he didn't want to get up. "Well, it was nice seeing you all," Julie said in fake friendliness, "but I think it's time for me and Oliver to go."

Oliver narrowed his eyes and refused to budge when Julie pulled him. "I didn't even get to say hi." Julie turned to Oliver and frowned. "I.. I don't want to stay." 

"Then go." Oliver said bitterly. A pang of anger flashed through me How can he talk to her like that.. Julie glanced over at me with watering and helpless eyes. She was always the girl to cry before working out a problem.

"Fine then, I will go." With that, Julie threw Oliver's hand out of hers and stomped away rather dramatically. While she stormed away, us five watched in awkward silence. 

"Sorry about that.." Oliver said and let out a slight laugh, scratching the back of his head. I didn't realize it, but I must have been staring at Oliver real mean, because he turned to me, surprised, and asked, "Hey, what's your problem?"

The other Matt stepped forward before I could say anything- not that I had anything to say, and pulled Oliver by the arm away from us. "I'll see you guys tomorrow!" He waved and walked with Oliver down the sidewalk who was sending me a questioning look.

Oli's P.O.V.

"So you're saying that he dated Julie?" I asked Matt Kean as we walked down the street-lighted sidewalk towards my house. My parents were out for spring vacation, along with my brother. 

Matt Kean nodded and kept silent. Now it made sense why the encounter had been so awkward. I wonder how stupid I looked, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. 

And no wonder why Julie had wanted to leave so soon. God, I'm such an idiot. I hope she wasn't too mad at me. I shook my head and looked down at the cracked cement. Houses sided both sidewalks along the street, eventually thinning out and giving off enough space between them to allow a bit of privacy.

That's what I liked about my home- it was in the city, surrounded by other houses and people- yet far enough away to give me some privacy and a break from society.. Which came in handy. My side-tracked thoughts caused my to laugh at myself silently.

As my house came into sight, I nudged Matt Kean and stopped under a street-light. "Thanks for walking me home, faggot." Matt shook his head and smiled at me as good friends do. "You're the faggot. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He turned around, shoved his hands in his pockets, and started walking down the opposite way.

I watched him for a moment before turning and heading my own direction. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was already eleven. That was early for me. I was tired, though.. Julie had dragged me around all day today. I recieved a text from her right then.

I smiled at the thought of my girlfriend, opened my house door, made my way to my room, read the text, and dropped my jaw.

'I think we need to break up'

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