Chapter Nine - And The Snakes Start To Sing

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Matt's P.O.V.

I was shaken badly. I didn't know what to say or what to do. Poor Katie was only my half-sister, but I loved her to death. Now I was walking down the streets of England, my earbuds shoved into my ears and hands stuffed into my pockets. My eyes searched the concrete sidewalk and I bit my tongue, thinking of what my dad had said.

After my father had said the horrid words to me, we sat in silence for what seemed to be hours- him in agony and me in shock. Not long after did I stand up quickly, knocking the wooden chair down with the momentum. I had run out of the door and slammed it behind me. The last thing I seen of my dad was him staring at the table.

I had run for over a couple blocks before my breathing came harder to me then slowed into a fast walk. My mind was running from something, but I wasn't sure what, and I'm sure my brain wasn't to sure either. Running away from home wouldn't cure Katie's... condition. 

I wasn't ready to say it. The word. The disease.

There wasn't anything that could cure my sister. I trembled at this realization. I was now thinking somewhat clearly, now that I had gained my breath. I let out a small noise and pulled my phone out of my pocket and turned the music in my ears up, drowning out the rest of the world.

The sun shone brightly, just along the horizon. It seemed happy. It did not match my feelings at all. If I could have controlled weather, I would have filled the sky with swelling clouds of rain and despair. That would have matched quite well. 

Then I started to go over regrets. I should have payed more attention to her. I should have been a better bigger brother. I should have been there for her. But how ridiculous this was, because somewhere in my clouded head I knew that doing these things wouldn't have prevented the situation. The girl wasn't even dead and I was beating myself up over something that wasn't my doing.

My feet were leading me somewhere- not sure where. But I didn't pay much attention to where I was headed. I just listened to the faint voice in my head, telling me all of this is my fault, that and the heavy guitars and bass pedal of metalcore.

Oli's P.O.V.

I woke up to violent shaking and with a jolt, I sat up and jumped up, trashing at whoever my attacker was. Throwing my fists in the direction of the person, I was too blind with anger and anxiety to see. My clenched hand hit soft flesh and I heard a familiar female scream. 

"Shit, Mum!" I screamed and stepped backwards. A usual son would step forward to help his mother who was now hunched over on the ground. But knowing my mother, and this being a normal routine, I knew that if I went to help her, I would regret it.

One time she had dragged me down and struck me in the face. 

My mother lifted herself up from the ground, babying her arm which I guessed was what I had hit. I tried to appear sorry, but I knew that the hint of humor in my face was visible. It was worth it with how much pleasure my mom seemed to gain from beating and bossing me around over half the time. She acted the total opposite for Tom, however.

"Get that fucking sly look off your face!" My mother hissed and stepped to me. She around the same height as I and shoved her finger in my face. "While your lazy ass slept on my couch, I have been slavin around this house all day."

I shugged my shoulders at this after looking at my place on the couch. Crushed beer cans scattered the floor and the blankets and pillows looked rather ruffled. 

This caused the female's face to become red with rage and impatience. She shoved me backwards. This sent me a single step back and I looked calmly at her. Her face became even more red. I didn't even know that was possible. It was not hard for me to relate my mom to a tomatoe at this moment.. Or maybe a stop sign. Either or, her face was pretty damn red.

"Oliver!" My mom hollered. 

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Start being a little more mature! A Lot more mature! You don't care about your education. You don't care about your mother! You don't care about anything except booze and that stupid music of yours! Maybe if you took your brother as an example, you'd be much more likeable!.." 

Her rambling went on and on. I watched her with a lazy gaze and drowned out her words. This first started when I was about thirteen and my mother snapped when she found out my father was cheating on her. The two stayed together, but something went haywire in her brain or something that just totally sent her on a ride on the crazytrain.

The first year or so I took her rude words to heart and would go scrambling away in tears whenever she would send me reeling with her hand. I eventually learned to let her words fly over my head and now that I was older and stronger than her, I could endure the beatings without flinching. 

She had fed off of my reactions when I was younger, and now that I was unresponsive to her abuse and neglect, it bothered her. She just probed deeper.

Every once in a while she would hit a soft spot and keep poking until I snap, but most of the time I stood for her abuse.

"You done?" I asked when I realized my mother had stopped shouting. 

With a groan, my mother yelled. "I can NOT wait until you move out! Take out the fucking trash." 

While she stormed off, I turned to pick up my mess from the couch. I folded the blankets, fluffed the pillows, and headed for the trash to do as she asked me to. 

I scrunched my nose as I pulled the bag from the bin and tyed the two ends of the plastic together. Holding out the bag away from my body as far as I could, I proceded to travel out the side door to wear the metal trash can was. I stuffed the soiled bag into the bin and strated to drag the bin to the curb.

After I wiped my hands on my pants, indicating I was done, I looked up at the darkening sky. I must had slept the day away. Cool.

I looked over to the sidewalk and recognized the teen walking down the strret. I raised my hand in greeting.

Then I noticed something about Matt that was very abnormal.

Matt's P.O.V.

My phone had died and my music was gone. I had been left in the horrible silence and my thoughts began to fill my head.

Before long I had realized that I was on my way to Oliver's house. I didn't turn around or stop. I kept going.

Now Oliver raised his hand to me. I didn't respond. Instead, I quickened my pace until it became a quick run and then when I reached the other male, I fell to my knees and began sobbing. The one thing that I had hoped another man would have never seen me do.

Weird, I thought, that I didn't go directly to Lee's house. Lee was my best friend. I knew that I could tell him anything. Instead I had went to Oliver. Someone who I didn't know very well and someone who had been dating the same girl as I at the same time. But who at the same time, felt very attatched to. Then it all went black as I fell to the ground.

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