Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

I wake up to see Nuria in my face like every morning and sit up "Huh where am I?" I look around for a second and remember what happened the previous day "Oh ya, wait that means..." I fly out of bed surprising Nuria "Today is my first day of school!" I quickly change and put on my hat and necklace, but I quickly realize that school won't start for another 3 hours. "Heh I guess I forgot about time, I do wake up really early" I look down to Nuria who was pawing at my pants "Oh ya I forgot"

I walk out to the front door and open it "You can go hunt but remember you have to come back here now!" She nods and runs out. I close the door and turn to see Kakashi-san walking to the kitchen "Oh hey (y/n) what are you doing up this early?" I laugh nervously "Nuria wakes me up and she does it really early so we can hunt" he looks at me surprised "You used to hunt?" "Well ya I found the animal because I'm a little more stealthy then Nuria and Hoshi, then they went to go kill it" I smile sadly at the memory of Hoshi but brush it off. "Hmm then will Nuria be ok without you?" "She'll be fine, we used to hunt larger animals but she's smart enough to go for smaller animals this time" "Ok! Now how about we get you some breakfast!"

We walk to the kitchen and he makes us something, when he's making it I watch carefully to see how he does it. When he finishes he set a plate of food down in front of me "Thank you!" "Ya no problem, I'm going to have to get used to making food for two now" Kakashi-san sighs "Oh don't worry I'm a fast learner I think I will be able to cook for myself in about a week!" He looks at me with surprise but chuckles "Then I guess I'm going to have to get you some cook books?" My eyes brighten "That would be great!"

After finishing my food Kakashi-san gave me a task "Since you wake up early every day how about you start your training when you wake up!" I smile and nod "That would be great! So how would I train each morning because I can't be sweaty in the morning" "That is true, so how about in the morning you can work on your chakra and just for this week I will allow you to walk around and see everything, ok?" My eyes brighten and I jump up out of my seat "Thank you Kakashi-san!" "Ya no problem!" 'Hmm why didn't Kakashi-san eat when I was there? Oh well I guess he just doesn't take off his mask'

I run out the door and start to walk around the village. 'This is great! I wish Nuria was here to see this she would be so happy!' I catch the scent of cooking so I could get some more experience with it. When I get to the source of the smell, there was a small booth with a man scurrying around inside preparing for the day ahead. He was carrying a heavy pot and was about to fall, so without thinking I rush over and take the heavy pot and set it on the counter to help the man up "Are you ok?" I ask worried, he gets up and says "Ya ya I'm fine, thank you for helping me!" I smile at the praise "No problem, oh do you mind if I watch you cook I'm learning how to!" He smiles "I don't mind, but if you really want to learn you can help me around in the kitchen?" My eyes brighten "I would love to! But I need to leave in about an hour for school." "Oh that's fine I'm just happy to get some help around the kitchen!"

We start working and he teaches me the basics of cooking so I can help out better, I catch on really quick and by the time I have to leave everything is clean and ready for the day, I look outside and see the position the sun is "It looks like I have to go mister...." "Oh you can call me Mr.Daichi!" "Bye Mr.Daichi, oh by the way my name is (y/n)!"

We wave goodbye and I run over to the school to see that kids are already arriving, I walk up to the desk and ask "Hey I'm new today what do I do?" The lady looks up at her clip board and smiles sweetly "Just wait outside the classroom until the teacher comes out to get you!" "Thank you!" I run over to the door and sit next to it watching all of the kids go in. 'I wonder what today is going to be like?'

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