Chapter 3

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

'I'm so excited! Today is the ninja exam and I can finally get out of this stupid school!' I walk into the classroom, ignore all of the uneasy gazes I get and sit down in my regular seat "Ok for the graduation exam all you will have to do is a simple clone jutsu, when you are called please proceed to the next room" Iruka Sensei says and walks out. One by one people are called, I was dozing off until I heard "(Y/n) please continue to the next room.

I walk into the room and see that there is one table with Iruka Sensei and Mizuki Sensei sitting at it. "Ok (y/n), since your a special case and we all know that you can create multiple clones how about you try and make one of the shadow clones you were working on." I nod and get down into my stance "Shadow clone jutsu!" I yell, a puff of smoke comes up and a shadow clone comes out "Yes I did it!" I exclaim happily, me and my clone high five and she disappears. "Good job (y/n) you are now an honorary ninja!" Mizuki Sensei says, I trot over to the table, happily take my forehead protector and walk out.

~Le time skip~

All of the class was outside with there new forehead protectors and there titles as ninjas. Except one person, I look over to the swing set and see Naruto sitting there. Two women were gossiping "What he didn't become a ninja?" "Humph serves him right" I shoot them a cold glare and they shut up. After softening my gaze I run over to Naruto and crouch down "Hey are you ok?" He looks at me with a face full of sorrow and flatly says "No"

I open my mouth to say something more but he cuts me off my standing and walking away. 'Naruto why won't you understand that I'm trying to help you' I get up and sigh but before I could start walking home Nuria arrived "Oh hey Nuria!" I crouch down and nuzzle the fox "Come on let's go home I can't stand this place any longer." I say coldly looking at all the people staring at me.

When we get home I yell out "Kakashi onii-san?" There is no reply so I assume he's out on a mission, I look down at Nuria and say "How about we go hunting we haven't done that in a while?" Nuria get excited and starts pulling at my pant leg urging me to the forest "Haha Nuria calm down let me put some of my stuff away first!" I laugh as I walk to the house, she huffs but follows me there anyway.

When I put away my unnecessary items, make a small snack for Kakashi onii-san. I grab my kunai knives and shurikens and we head out.

It was night by the time we get out, after walking for a while I hear a sound and swiftly turn my head.  The source of the sound was a deer and it seems like it hasn't seen us yet. I slowly creep my way to the deer and motion Nuria to come up to attack it.

But it was suddenly scared away by a blood curdling scream, 'Wait I know that scream... NARUTO!' I shoot up and start running towards Naruto in a blind panic 'Is he going to be ok!? Oh god let him be ok!' When I get to him I stop short and hide behind a tree so he doesn't see me.

I take in the scene, Mizuki Sensei was standing on a branch looking down at Naruto, who was holding a big scroll, and an injured Iruka Sensei. I was about to rush and help but I froze when I saw the look in Naruto's eyes, they were full of rage and blood lust "If you lay a finger on Iruka Sensei, I'll kill you!" "Shut up you little punk I can kill you in one shot!" Mizuki Sensei laughs.

Naruto looks up with dark eyes and makes a familiar sign "Try it trash and I'll return the pain a thousand times over" "Then do it demon fox!" Mizuki screams, "SHADOW CLONE JUTSU" Naruto yells, hundreds of clones appear around him and start laughing "What's wrong come on and kill me" They all say in unison 'Wow look at all those shadow clones! It took me ages to even create one!' I stare in awe as all of them attack Mizuki at the same time, and beat the absolute crap out of him "Heh heh I may have went to far" Naruto nervously says scratching the back of his head.

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