Chapter Seven

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I was invited warmly to be apart of a good, long therapy session with a professional.

I was told to wait outside a green door, but I approached the door, and a short woman told me to come in. I gratefully accepted the request and took in the fresh scent of pine.

Her room was covered in greenery of all sorts. Plants hung from the ceiling in all sorts of fashions. Some were strung by fishing pole, and bows and ribbons beautifully tied others. Most of the plants in the room seemed like forest plants. They all gave off a fresh, minty, and green scent that immediately soothed my nerves. Not only were the plants amazingly beautiful, but there was also an actual window in the room. The window had a span that crossed one whole wall of the room, even though most of the room was very small walls connected in a string of corners. The woman's desk was pinned right up against the window, avoiding direct contact with the overpowering sunlight, but the plants still shimmered with iridescent glimmers from their infinite food source. Not only were the plants happy because of the gorgeous view of nature in the near distance, but everything seemed lively and delighted to be in the room. The couches and bookshelves were an array of colors that stuck out from the gray floors that deepened the pressuring feeling of the whole situation. However, the shadows of dancing figures and still statues seemed to whisper a ballad of paint.

Aside from the nature engulfed room and the relieving feeling of being with a professional psychologist, I was also nervous.

"My name is Dr. Johnson, but you should already know that." Her voice was as smooth as silk and slipped out of her mouth with such ease. After speaking to Giles and Jesse, her voice seemed too calm and gentle. Even Diamond's tone was rough at the edges and bumpy along the way.

The woman was half a foot shorter than I was, probably the height of Kimber, and stood as tall as a statue. Her aesthetic seemed to consist of nature, coffee, and colors, for all I could get from her look was that she was a good person. She seemed reliable and trustable, but I was still on edge. I had never met anyone who was so close to perfection, but I suppose that wasn't saying much considering Angelica was the closest thing to perfection I had as a student.
I had considered asking for her to repeat any information she gave about herself, but I thought that it would've been a bit pushy. I decided to play it off cool as if I had known her this whole time. Everyone seemed shocked by my change in behavior, but my so-called therapist seemed to be caught up. There was no clarifications needed with her, but I suppose that alleviation was normal.

I nodded at her greeting and sat down on the couch closest to the door. The couch was soft, but not furry or fuzzy at all. I sank into my seat until my knees were practically touching my chest, but I was comfortable and did not complain. I saw no point in complaining when I had escaped the world I had grown to hate.
After getting a good feel of the room, I decided that I needed to get down to business.

"Yes, I'm Tyson, but I'm presuming you knew that as well."

I had only realized my error in language when the woman crinkled her nose a bit, pretending to sniffle or get a tickle of some sort. I wanted to say sorry, but found no point after time had passed.

She decided to get down to business as well. Johnson took out her notebook and grabbed a pen to write with. She opened the small notebook to the middle and smiled when she saw a certain page. Then, she looked back up at me.

"Making progress, are we now?" She asked, her Northern accent thickening with each vowel she uttered. It was soothing to the marrow of my bone and chilling to the edge of my spine. I could listen to her talk all day.

I responded shakily, "Perhaps, but I'd rather talk about other things. I want to explain a bit of an issue I'm having." I swallowed a lump in my throat and continued. "Dr. Johnson, I wanted to ask if you could help me with some sleeping issues I'm having."

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