Imagine: Watching Disney's Peter Pan with Ouat Pan

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You sat in your fluffy bed, your legs hidden under the vast amount of quilts and comforters. Tissues surrounded you, seeming to pile up by the minute as a few random sniffles sounded from your red nose. Feeling a new set of tears run down your puffy, blotched cheeks, you plucked another tissue from its box. You wiped the tears and dabbed you sore cheeks, throwing the wadded up tissue somewhere into the depths of cushions and fluff.

Your best friend, up until now, had decided that she didn't feel the need to keep you around anymore. She had found some new 'friends' to hang around, if you could even call them that. Sure, they were nice to her, but you could tell they only wanted her for her social status. She was always one of the more popular people, and you were kind of like her purse puppy. You were prettier than most at your school, but she was always one step ahead of you. You had no choice but to follow her around like a little lost child unless to wanted to decline the bond between the two of you. You two had been practically attached at the hip until she found the foul beasts she fools around with now, and when she ripped the two of you into two seperate pieces, she did the same to your heart.

You looked around you, grasping hold of fact that you were now surrounded in tissues filled with your salty tears and snot. Almost gagging at the thought, you slowly stood up wobbly legs that almost resembled a new born horse. Your knees ached from being rested for so long, and your arms popped as you reached up to stretch them out. Reaching out and grabbing a handful of your blankets, you skillfully whipped them off of the bed and shook them out. Tissues fell like rain drops onto the wooden floor of your room, making it look messier than it already had been. After making sure that you had gotten all of the tissues away from the warm bed linens, you layed them back over your mattress and fluffed your pillows.

You grabbed the bag of chips that rested on your bed side table, making a loud crackling noise as you rolled up the top to close it. You placed it back down where it was, deciding that going downstairs right now was too much of a risk of getting caught. You took a swig of extra chocolatey milk, before once again laying down on your bed.

The television set in front of your bed flashed the walls with different colors as commercial after commercial ranted on, all but begging you to buy their new product. The spokespersons voices seemed to boom around you, corrupting the sound of your sobs and sniffles with the loud noise from the TV speakers. The happy kids on the repetitive commercial smiled and laughed, playing and having fun times with their parents and friends. They all but Cheshire cat smiled from ear to ear, beaming from all the fun they were having.

Why couldn't your life be that happy?

The squeak of wood grinding against wood awoke you from your half-awake half-dreaming state, making your front half jolt up in surprise as the unfamiliar noise sped through your ears.

You looked towards your window, it being the only place where wood met more wood, and furrowed your eyebrows. You knew you had closed it, but right then as you looked at it, it was wide open. It let in a freezing winter breeze, making you a bit suspicious as to why you hadn't felt it nipping at your bare skin sooner. You shrugged, before hopping out of bed to close it. It wasn't like anyone could just sneak in your window, your room was two stories up.

You reached up and placed the palms of your hands on the top of the window, pushing down a bit to hard. It slammed down and rattled the hinges of its own frame, causing you to cringe and hope nobody had heard. You stood as still as a statue while listening intently, before coming to the conclusion that everyonewas still sound asleep in bed, and paciing back to your bed.

You plopped down on your bed, letting out a forced sigh. By now you had hoped that she would have called you, or even texted you about how she was sorry and wanted to have a sleepover or hang out. No such thing had happened, though. No, this wasn't like a movie, nor would it ever be. The two of you would probably move on and find better people. This was the sad truth, and you had to accept it. True friends don't just give up on each other, and that's exactly what she-

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