Peter and Felix Imagine: Dark and Stormy Night

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"Alright, off to bed with you all, we have work to do tomorrow and I don't want any of you tired!" Pan hollered, sending everyone into a frenzy of "yay's" and "finally's."

You gave a sigh of relief, rolling the heavy axe from your shoulders and onto the ground. You had had a long day of cutting and chopping up wood for the campfire, and, boy, were you ready for bed.

You leaned backwards, hands on your waist, hoping to pop your back or possibly make it hurt less.

"Ugggggghhhhh!" you groaned loudly as your back popped in several places, earning a few chuckles from the boys that were closest to you. A couple of them patted your back on their way to their tents, not really helping your problem.

They all knew that Pan had put you up to one of the hardest jobs on the island, and they all knew why. Pan didn't like girls on his island; not since Wendy Darling.

Apparently, from the stories the Lost Boys told you, she was pretty needy and couldn't defend herself even after the various attempts of training her. She would whine all the time, and always ask favors of the boys; this made Pan very cautious of girls and women, never wanting to have to banish anyone lost from the island and therefore leaving him to hope no more ever came.

So, when you appeared on the island, Pan decided he was not going to go through the trouble again, he'd rather have you dead. In his eyes, you were just a useless mouth to feed (even if you were much more than that.)

This whole island was new to you then, it wasn't like the fairytale in the slightest definition. The amount of creatures that were told in the stories to be good were not, and there were so many terrible things lurking around every corner. And when this so called "Peter Pan" wanted to kill you for being a girl, it only made matters worse. 

You remembered screaming at him, before you knew how evil he actually was. Things like:

"I am a girl, so? Just because I'm smaller does not mean I am weak and need to be taken care of!"


"You are no man to kill a person just because you think they'll ruin your fun, I am a good not damn weak!"

Yes, the words may have been harsh, but they had no affect on the devilish boy. He was set on having you leave, whether what you said was true or not. He, under no exceptions, was going to let you stay...not until you struck up a deal, a game of sorts: To prove yourself and stay alive for at least a month in mainland time, no help whatsoever from the others.

Therefore, to test your will to stay alive and on the island, Pan put you up to the hardest tasks he could find; chopping wood, cooking the meals, hunting the food, etc. He was determined to break you, but you wouldn't let him do it. You were always told you were "as stubborn as a mule" and now was no time to ruin that reputation.

Let's just say, you and Pan? Not on the best terms at the moment...

You were shaken out of your thoughts by a low growl from above, the noise rumbling the dirt ground of the camp. This was definitely not the growl of an animal or human, not at all. No, this was something much, much worse, something you had been scared of since you were just a small child. 

Your eyes widened as you jumped about ten feet in the air, your body turning itself on to extreme terror mode. Fear bubbled up into your heavy chest, the ache in your sore muscles ultimately forgotten. A couple of the boys laughed at your action, thinking you had just been startled by the loud noise that shook the place. Little did they know that it was more than that; this was actual fear you were feeling. The feeling of having absolutely no control, whatsoever, of something that could hurt you. Actually, this could be more considered terror.

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