Chapter 19- The End of Her Story

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Okay, so the next chapter will be the final one, so please go back and read the first book so you understand the ending! This will also be sad and gorey, so you have been warned

"Shredder, get away from my mom!" Andrew hissed furiously and thrashed around on the table, Alex doing the same. An evil chuckle echoed through the metal helmet that hid his damaged face.

"Why should I stop? I'm enjoying myself." Shredder grinned, kicking Jill in the stomach once again. She coughed up blood and held her stomach. He stopped after that kick, though, and made his way to the twins. He jabbed them in the neck with a gray substance and he released them from the restraints.

"Wh-what d-d you i-inject th-them with?" Jill sputtered, staggering to her feet.

"A vaccine so they can't unleash their inner beasts or powers." Shredder said in monotone. He took the twins one-by-one to the shackles that hung on the wall and hung them from their wrists. He sharpened the blades on his knuckles using the brick wall beside the kids and he sighed dramatically.

"Jillian; after all these years; I've finally won. I've been trying very hard to get to you and your family. Now...I've finally won." He looked around the room with a victorious glisten in his eye, then averted his attention back to the kids. He slid his blades against the bricks once again and glanced at Jill, her eyes watering as Shredder held the Wolverine like blades up to Andrew's side.

"Any last words, child?" He said in an empty tone. Andrew looked at Jill, smiling only a little.

"It's okay, Mommy. I'm gonna be just fine, I promise." He smiled, reassuring his mother that he really was going to be just fine.

"No, Shredder, get away from them!" She screeched and got to her feet. Shredder took her gun from the table and shot her stomach (the same one Jordyn did, too), then clutched her stomach. She tumbled back and hit the wall, her hands clutching her stomach. She snarled Shredder's way and grabbed a dagger from her pocket.

"You're fuckin' with the wrong bitch." Jill growled weakly, unrattled by the blood gushing out of her stomach and thigh and seeping through her clothing.

Shredder threw his head back in mock laughter.

"Have you yet to realize that you can't win this? Your family is dead, and the last of your children will be, too. Especially if you do not drop the knife and stand down, Jillian."

Jill clenched her fist around the handle of the dagger, her face as red as the blood that poured out of her countless wounds.

"Fuck you, Shredder." She charged at him and managed to push him away from the children, and while she had the chance, she kicked off his metal helmet. He growled in her direction, but she did not see it because she was too busy trying to pick the locks on the bounds that held her children.

"Mom, look out!" Drew hissed and kicked Jill in the side, forcing her to the ground, which caused Shredder's slashing blades to miss her stomach. Being they did not hit Jill, Shredder did carry through with the blow, and due to that; Andrew was hit in the process.

Blood spewed out of his chest and stomach and it also dribbled out of his mouth.

"Andrew!" Jill cried out and threw her dagger at Shredder, hitting his shoulder. He screamed in pain and took a knee, holding the handle of the blade.

"M-Mom, I-I'll be o-okay." Drew sputtered out, smiling down at his mom. Alex hung beside her brother as she cried hysterically, looking away from him.

"I'm so sorry, baby. I-I'm so sorry!" Jill wailed, cupping her little boy's face in her shaking hands and kissing his beaten face repeatedly. Drew only shook his head and let out a final breath before his body hung limp.

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