Bitch sisters and heroes.

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Authors note: Sorry its been so long since I last updated, I havent had a computer for a while or enough time to actually sit down and write but hopefully this chapter will make up for lost time. This chapter will probably be pretty short because it is only a filler chapter. Enjoy though.

Chapter 3

Delilahs POV

I leaned against the brick wall of the crumbling high school and stared off into the empty parking lot. I suppose I should have been panicking. After all, I did come out here expecting to see my sisters mustang parked in the front, the spot that she apparently always parked in. Also the spot that was now vacant. I hoped that my parents speech about leaving me stranded at school would have gotten through to her just a little. I can see that it didn't.

I wondered briefly how I was going to get home. I guess I'd have to walk, again. I looked up at the graying sky and grimaced to myself. Maybe that isn't the greatest idea. I couldn't call my parents to come get me because they were in Hawaii for a business meeting and wouldn't be back for two weeks. There was no way I was gonna call Eli, he would complain about it the entire time and more than likely make nasty comments about how I ruined his plans, and honestly, I couldn't deal with much more of his bullying. I could probably call Zach but he was at work and I didn't want to chance him losing his job to come pick up his little sister at school. I was screwed.

I hiked my backpack up on my shoulders and dragged my feet across the parking lot, "Looks like I'm walking home."

The walk from the school to my house is about an hour long trip all together, thats if I jogged most of the way like I did last time. As soon as I had made it home that day I dropped to the floor, red faced, sweaty and weezing for air. My parents liked to have had a fit when they saw me, half way into an asthma attack. They chewed my sister out for days about it, but did she care? No. They threatened to take away her car and cell phone if she did it again and thats when she started caring. She didn't do it again while my parents were home but as soon as they left she went back to leaving me stranded at school.

I knew their was no point in telling my parents, she'd just lie about it and cause me more misery the next time my parents were away. I didn't know what I was going to do for these next two weeks while they were gone.

"Bitch," I mumbled to myself. I didn't understand why her life goal was to put me through hell.

Maroon 5's - She will be loved blasted from my phone. It was the ringtone I had set for unknown numbers. I wrestled with my purse, trying to find my iphone and managed to drop everything in the process on the soggy road. "Great."

I finally found it, buried under a bunch of junk. I grabbed it and slid the button on the screen without thinking to even check the number first. "Hello." I grabbed at the stuff that had fallen out my purse, not paying much attention to the person on the other end of the phone.

My Chemistry book was completely soaked from landing in a puddle, looks like I'll be paying for that, could my day get any worse. I chunked it back in my bag and threw my purse back over my shoulder. Just then I remembered that I was on the phone with someone. I said hello again before I heard a voice on the other end.

"Uh, hey."

I straightened up with surprise, "Cory?"

"Haha, yeah."

"How'd you get my number?"

"You gave it to me."

Oh, I had almost forgotten. I had given it to her earlier today when she brought me to meet Brian, her best friend. He had one of the most handsome faces I had ever seen on a boy and he had the charm to match those great looks. I would have had the hugest cruch on him if Cory hadn't already told me before - hand that he was gay. And as soon as he opened his mouth it was obvious, their was no way he was straight. His looks were to pretty and so was his voice. If that even makes sense.

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