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Chapter 7

Corey's POV

When I was little, I used to go out of my way to piss my sister off. She was older by a year and seven months.

My parents often bought us the same types of toys for Christmas, and birthdays because we were so close in age and I hated it.

We weren't the same person. We both liked very different things.

My parents struggled with my tomboy nature as I progressed through childhood. Often buying me dresses and forcing me into wearing my hair in buns, and even trying to cut my hair in a more elegant style.

But being girly was never for me. I liked my jeans and t-shirts. I liked climbing trees and I liked my long unkempt, messy hair.

I guess that's why as I got older my parents pushed me to spend as much time as possible with my make-up wearing, barbie look a like sister.

But what they didn't realize was that pushing us together only made us acknowledge our differences between each other even more.

It wasn't long before I started to hate my sister.

We couldn't be in the same room with each other for more than ten minutes before we started going for each others throats.

I hated her.

I even hated her when she got sick.

But I guess when your young and feel as if everything about you is wrong and your growing into this person you didn't think you'd ever be, it clouds what's really important.

Which is the people around you.

And maybe that was why when I turned around and saw Delilah lying motionless on the floor, the guilt of how selfish I truly am ripped through me.

I left her behind in a crowd of shady people.

Albeit, I didn't mean to.

But I still left her. And for that, I'm a shitty person.

I smoothed back a piece of stray hair that had fallen into her face and grimaced to myself.

Maybe I shouldn't have brought her at all. I figured shed like to get out a little, learn a little more about how to have fun. You know, show her what having a social life was like.

And I had been excited about being the person to get to introduce her to it but after I turned around and discovered her unconscious on the floor, I had regretted it.

Who knows how long she had been laying there. The entire time I thought she was behind me.

And the idiots who were just standing around her, like they didn't know what the fuck to do.

That wasn't what irked me though, the fact that one of those people was her older sister Megan, is what set me off.

She stood there, looking over her little sister, with her arms crossed and a nonchalant look placed upon her face.

When my eyes had collided with hers. I saw nothing but the heartless girl from my past, who could care less about anyone or anything.

Did Delilah realize the hateful being her sister was? The horrid things that Megan has said and done? It shocked me to know that I had once loved a person so vile. The thought that I had shared so many memories with her.

I wanted nothing to do with her anymore, and had washed my hands of her a year ago when I realized the girl I grew up with was no longer that same person, but a bitch who took pride in ruining the lives of others.

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