Messed Up Again

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Someone was in your house, you screamed in your head, terror running through your limbs like electric shocks. You whipped around, grabbing the latch of the door and yanking with all your might.

The horrible laughter rang in your ears again and the echoing voice spoke, cold and amused. "Silly, silly, (y/n)! Like I'd let you leave Gravity Falls again!"

"What?" you whispered frantically to yourself, still tugging on the immobile latch. "Wh-who are you?!" you yelled. You gave up on trying to leave and pressed your back against the freezing wood, eyes searching desperately in the dark, but you couldn't make out a single thing.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me?" the eerie voice sobbed with a sickeningly fake tone. "And after all the trouble I went through to get you here!"

Your brows furrowed with confusion. You took a shaky step forward, venturing into the shadows. Reaching your arms out ahead of you, you felt around for any sort of blunt object. If you couldn't escape then you'd have to beat the intruder out of your home.

A wicked cackle bounced off the walls as the voice commented snidely, "Not likely, Sweetheart, but it'd be funny to see you try!"

Wait a minute. You stopped in your tracks, hands falling numbly to your sides. You'd been through all of this before: mind reading, snarky remarks, and creepy nicknames. 

Bill Cipher. 

So he hadn't been destroyed, but what was he doing here?

"Easily answered, Sweetheart!" he chimed in just as expected. "This is MY house!" He paused before continuing with an air of venom in his voice. "Well, forced home, but you get it, Love~"

You shuddered at all the gross names he was calling you. "Could you please stop and tell me what the hell is going on?" You growled in frustration. "And turn some damn lights on, Tophat!"

You squealed as bright light burst into your vision, blinding you and causing you to stumble back into a soft but warm object. A pair of lips danced dangerously close to your throat and a mess of spiky, blonde locks tickled your skin.

"Giving me a nickname too, huh?" Icy breath puffed against you, making your cheeks burn red. "You can't possibly flatter me anymore than you already have!" he chuckled gleefully, grabbing your hands and spinning you around in a sloppy and crazed sort of dance move.

"Agh!" you yelled, twisting in his grip only to feel his fingers tighten around your wrists. "What are you even talking about?"

"You opened the door!" He stopped twirling you and exclaimed breathlessly. 

You cowered under the gaze of his glowing, yellow demonic orbs. The fear left you unable to even comprehend why or how you were viewing Bill with a human face.

He frowned and stepped back, shoving his hands into the pockets of his white dress pants. "Still don't get it?"

You shook your head, lips pressed tightly together.

He rolled his snake like eyes and sneered. "Figures." He lifted an arm and snapped his fingers causing a screen of images to appear in front of him. The hologram showed Gravity Falls in flames, wrecked and plunged into utter chaos.

"Weirdmaggedon..." you whispered, intently watching the images.

The scene faded to show the villainous triangle himself seated upon a throne of frozen agony and despair. All manner of grotesque and mutated demons partied below him. Suddenly, a wall of the pyramid shaped castle blew apart, sending the monsters flying. A young Dipper swung in by aid of his sister's grappling hook, all of his family and friends following closely behind. Bill only laughed at them, saying their attempt was "cute." Just then, Ford burst to the front, chanting words you couldn't understand. Cipher began to scream in anguish as he slowly floated to the ground. In an instant, the entire group sprung into action, forming a circle around him and adding their voices to the chant. The demon begged them to stop but they only increased in volume causing his shape to wobble and transform. A blinding white light erupted from the center and everyone fell backwards. The beam faded just as quickly as it had appeared and in it's place, a human figure now laid.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" the now mortal demon screeched, pounding his trembling fists on the ground. "I DESTROYED THE JOURNALS! HOW CAN YOU KNOW THAT SPELL?!"

He continued howling obscenities as the world around him started to crumble and crack apart.

The images warbled and gradually dissipated until you were left staring, wide-eyed at Bill's expressionless face.

"Wh-what? How?" you murmured, feeling less afraid of the man before you.

He spoke quietly, holding your gaze firmly in his. "It was Ford. The bastard tore that page out of the journal and kept it for himself. He knew I would need to unfreeze him to get rid of the force field surrounding Gravity Falls." He scrunched up his face, eyes burning with disgust. "The Humanity Sacrifice spell.

"Sacrifice?" you repeated with dread.

Bill nodded. "Ol' Sixer gave up his humanity to make me," he had to force the last word from his mouth as if it was poison, "human."

Immediately you thought of Dipper and what that was probably like for him. Your eyes stung with the threat of tears but you didn't want to cry right now. No, not here in front of this demon in a mortal's body. He'd caused your loved ones so much pain, even after you left. However, there were still some questions burning in your mind.

"I don't understand..." Your voice shook, not with fear but anger. "Why do you want me here? How did you even do it? Are you just that desperate to torment me?"

Bill smirked, leaning in close and grabbing your cheeks on both sides roughly. "I wasn't gonna let Sixer take all of my powers now was I? And guess who I have to thank for that!"

You bit your lip, remaining utterly silent.

"You! It's you (y/n)!" he snickered, his twisted grin growing ever wider. "You left Gravity Falls! You kept my powers safe for me after I stored some of them in your mind and now you've brought them back!" His laughter grew insane as you stumbled back, the wind knocked from your lungs.

"N-no..." you shook your head, clapping your palms over your ears.

"You're such a good little pet, (y/n)!!!" he giggled. "I can't believe how easily you fell right into my grasp~"

He lunged a hand at you but you slapped it away, screeching, "Stay away from me!"

He snorted and turned away, arms slung up in a shrug. "Whatever. Be like that, but you're stuck here and I'm not letting you leave." 

As he walked off, you sunk onto the pale yellow couch and hugged yourself tightly.

"I messed up again..."


Obviously I don't own the youtube vid. All credit goes to the proper owners! Oh and, by the way, this isn't going to be a yandere if that's what you're thinking ;P

Mistakes (Bill Cipher x Reader x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now