P1: Skyler, 2014

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**Author's note: I started this a while ago, but I'm not really sure where I'm going with it. Posts will not be regular unless you guys like it and give me ideas!! ;)**

A quick rap at the door startles me out of my slumber. I glance at the alarm clock on my nightstand, and the glowing red numbers inform me it is 4:23 A.M.

Another rap at the door. I grab my jumper from its place hanging at the foot of my bed, and find an old cricket bat that was once my brother Gerad's in the back of my closet.

The quick raps at my door soon become inpatient bangs, separated by a few moments where the silence is unnerving. I tiptoe down the stairs, hopping over the creaky fifth step, and reach the door. The knocking stops. I raise my bat in striking position, noticing the odd silhouette of a fez through the fogged window...

The door flies open and I scream, swinging my bat.

"Whoa, whoa, it's only me!" a familiar voice calls in distress. I stop swinging and my eyes focus on the Doctor. His sonic screwdriver is still in his hand, which explains how he got in. I let the bat fall with a loud klunk on the floor. The Doctor's face melts from alarm into a wide grin, which I return. He opens his arms and I practically jump into them. It's been so long.

"So, Skyler, are you ready to go?" he asks after straightening his crooked bow-tie.

"But...Doctor. It's four in the morning!" I whisper, as if there were someone else in the house.

He whispers back. "You're forgetting, you're traveling with a Timelord."

"But I'm in my nightie!" I persist.

"Right," he finally observes. "Well, hurry on and change, then. I want to take you somewhere." He sounds impatient. I've learned to expect this from someone so far from human.

I fly up the stairs two at a time, hearing the Doctor chuckle. I rummage through my dresser and manage to find a pair of jeans and a nice shirt, neither of which look too rumpled.

A shattering crash breaks the silence downstairs, and I run to the source of the sound. The Doctor looks all too innocent with my cricket bat in his hands, and shards of my broken television on the ground. I groan.

"I think your telly has developed a fault."

"Yeah, well. Hopefully whatever planet you're bringing me to has a television store."

"Actually, I have something nice mind."

I roll my eyes. Anything that is "nice" for the Doctor usually ends up in flames or mortal peril. But there is no one in the world--or the universe, for that matter--that I trust more.

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