"Caleb Jr, Leon"

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I couldn't believe it, The police knew that I had now been set up and Ceece confessed to killing Cassandra. I was free I could live my life I could start a life with Hanna I run into the house Hanna runs downstairs jumping into my arms kissing me deeply I laugh into the kiss. Pulling away I smile at her Stomach she'd gotten big while I was gone and even though I'd missed out on the ultrasound I was still going to experience everything else.

I drop her back on her flat feet tucking a start of hair behind her ear "Do you have any idea how much I missed you?" I ask kissing her again my tongue flicking her's she moans softly gripping my shirt "I'm never letting you go again" I smile holding her hand walking into the kitchen where her mum and dad were .


I pull the sheets over Hanna and I she snuggles into my side kissing my chest I savour the moment remembering this. I sling an arm over her shoulder our heads resting together "Do you want to know what the gender is for our child?" I nod staring into her eyes dazzling with excitement "We're having a little boy" I smile kissing her again cupping her cheek

"I love you Hanna...."

"I love you Too Babe"

5 months later

"This is disgusting once me have this baby I'm gonna kill you" I groan vomiting in the toilet Caleb rubs my back while holding my hair for me "I'm sorry Baby but think about the good part...We'll have a baby boy soon" I smile rising my head from the toilet wiping my face Caleb picks me up bridal style I rest my head in the crook of his neck while he carries me back to bed. "Thank you Baby" I kiss his cheek he smirks wrapping his arm around me and pulling my back firmly against his chest "You're cuddly this morning aren't you?" I giggle he chuckles kissing my cheek "When I'm with you I'm always cuddly" I smile cocking my head to the side meeting him in a passionate kiss "I can't wait until you have this baby" I smile "We need to think about names" I say he nods getting out a notepad and a pen I laugh at the sight sitting up against him "Caleb Jr, Leon," He says chucking writing them down I smirk "I love them all" He grins putting the paper down "I love you more though"

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