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Niall's POV•

I pulled my Coffee Bean uniform on as I almost trip over the step that leads to the door. I had woken up at 9am, my regular time, but I had been asked to come in early in result of extra pay. I need to be there by 9:10, and good thing it's close because it's my only source of income. I slip on my shoes and run out the door, going back in twice: once to get my phone that I left on the counter, and one to get my keys.

Once I park across the street, I get out of my car and wait for the crosswalk, impatiently shaking my leg. Once it turned to walk, I jogged across the street. My shoulder bag flap was open, and I didn't want to loose anything, so I reached to close it. In my moment of distraction, I run into a person who had their head in their phone, earbuds in.

"Sorry." I apologised in a hurry. His green eyes widened in response, and I would've asked why, but I was late. I walk around him and slide into the café. Grabbing my apron, I rush around the corner to the bathrooms and slip it on quickly. I leave the bathroom area normally, so if anyone saw me, they would think I just used the bathroom.

"Niall! Come take the counter already!" Karina yelled in my direction in between orders. As I got closer, she whispered, " you're better with people then I am."

I laughed as she disappeared into the back kitchen, me taking her place behind the counter. After fixing up a few things she hadn't even given a second thought about, the doorbell rang. The same green-eyed boy, whom I now recognise as being somewhat around my age and has loose curly hair, that I almost knocked over a bit ago came in.

"Hello, I'm Niall. What can I do for ya?" I said with a light tone, flashing a charming smile. This is why they put me out front.

The boy looked shocked, constantly looking at his fingers playing at the bottom of his unzipped jacket. "Um, I really just want a coffee. Um, frappé on number 3. Please?"

"Sure, that'll be £3.17 please." I ask, punching in his order.

"Okay." He ruffles through his pocket and retrieves the money. "Um, are you okay? I mean, that's really random but I just wanted to ask I guess. I just- I mean, are you mad at anyone? Just a question..." He trailed off awkwardly, waving the money around- that I'm temped to grab- during his rambling.

"I'm fine, thank you?" I answer, befuddled. I reach for the money, and as I take it, our hands brush for a moment. It wasn't much, and it didn't mean anything, but I could feel the cold metal of one of his rings contrast to the warmth of his hands.

"Okay. Okay, I just, I was just asking." He smiles, and it's goofy and lopsided and it kinda sums up his personality in one.

"One number 3." Karina hands me the frappé through the window. I hand it to the guy.

"Thanks." He says, smiling a bit brighter this time.

"No problem, um..."

"Harry." He grins, and it's a mischievous grin. One you'd see before a surprise party; like a friend when they know something you don't.

"Cool. Have a good day, Harry." I say, and then I realise I'm glad I was late to work that morning.

"You too, Niall." He replied, tipping his fedora at me and pivoting on his foot, leaving the café.

"Weird." I mumbled, still a trace of a smile on my face as the next customers approached.

"Hi, my name is Niall. What can I get you today?"

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