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I was so mad. But I had more important things on find right now like finding deaton. The desert wolf is using him as hostage. I have to save him so I go to the animal clinic to see if he left any papers. I search but nothing until I hear someone. " Can't find him?", ugh Theo. How did he know. " Probably by now he is dead and its all your fault." Theo adds in. I get even angrier and I run to him and throw him towards a cabinet. Then I take him by the arm and I break it and them I start punching his face. " Stop, stop I can help you find the desert wolf. Just like I did with the dread doctors." Theo says. Maybe he was right but I didn't really know. So I just stay quiet. " No" I say. " Just leave" and he does i just stay by myself there. Then I felt dizzy. That was it then I saw a bunch of stars.

Since deaton left I have been in charge so I had to go today to check if everything was alright. So I head to the clinic and then I find deatons office a mess. But something catches my eye there is Malia in the ground. Then I go check if she is fine and she is but I take her to stiles house. " Stiles, I found Malia I'm the ground. " I say.

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