the crush

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Kamron Wolf had the biggest crush on his best friend, Jared Smith, but sadly Jared wasn't gay. He would always brag about the girls he slept with, and every time Kamron's heart would break a little more. Every time Jared would hug Kamron, every time they were alone, Kamron wished to grab Jared and kiss his beautiful lips. To confess his love for Jared one thousand times. But every time he worked up the courage, Jared would look at him with his big, beautiful blue eyes, and tell him a story about a girl he plowed that night. One day Kamron went to go hang out with Jared, his addiction, and heard yelling. He pressed his ear against the door and listened.

"You asshole!!" he heard a woman scream. It was Jared's girlfriend, Kari. Kamron had met her before. She was a goddess, and she never raised her voice. Kamron had always thought of her as his little sister, because he was taller then her, and her childish face made the tiny bit of hatred he had for her disappear. Even though she was dating the man of his dreams, he'd always wanted to protected her and Jared.

"How would you like it if I cheated of you with one of your friends?" she hissed. Kamron's face grew red.

"Fuck you bitch!" Jared screamed back. Suddenly the door opened. Kamron's face grew even more red.

"Um... h-hi?" he murmured. She suddenly took his face in between her hands and kissed him. He pulled away for obvious reasons.

"What the hell!" Jared screamed.

"See?" Kari yelled at Jared, "How does it feel?"

"Not so good." Jared grumbled, looking at Kamron sadly. Kamron's heart filled with regret and sadness, and he felt like he was going to die right there.

"Dear God... why am I always the one to blame, I didn't do this.." Kamron thought. His heart ached horribly, like someone was eating it like ice cream. He wanted to scream, cry and most of all, just die in a hole, forever alone.

Jared had been friends with Kamron since the beginning, even when Kamron was a girl named Suzin. They met when they were six, and Jared came up to Suzin with a flower, handing it to her. She smiled brightly and took it, smelling it.

"Thank you," she said in a shy voice.

"Y-you're w-welcome," Jared stuttered. When he was little he used to stutter really badly, and get bullied about that. By the time they hit high school, it was fixed, and he stopped hanging out with Suzin. But than she hit puberty, her breasts getting bigger, and her hips growing to become sexy curves. Of course Jared tried hitting on her, and every time she wanted to accept, a tiny voice in her head said "No, don't. He's just going to break your heart." so she would reject. No matter what he told her, gave her, or did to her, she would reject. No amount of flowers, compliments, or hand holding could get her to say yes. He stopped when one day she came to school... as a he. His breasts were gone, hips no longer wide, and hair no longer long. For a while he stopped talking to him altogether. But than he sat next to Kamron during lunch, with a pleading, nervous smile.

"Its okay, I'm still your friend," Jared said, when Kamron looked at him with slight anger and sadness. They sat together and ate and talked. They laughed and became best friends. But Kamron still loved Jared.. he'd always love Jared...

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