Chased by the Past

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Jerry Garret ran through the woods, knowing the man was following him. He didn’t know what he wanted, but he’s sure as hell isn’t going to give it to him, no matter how dangerous this guy was. He kept running, until he tripped over a root of a tree. He heard a loud crack. His eyes watering, he realizes he broke his middle finger. That’s convenient, he thought, how am I going to make him understand how I feel about being chased?

He got up, trembling. Suddenly he was aware of his surroundings. His stinging eyes took in the small marécage and the decomposing amphibians at his feet.

He heard rustling in the leaves. He heard a soft whistle from the woods. He spun in panic. Besides the trees and bushes, he saw nothing, but he knew that didn’t mean anything. His eyes darted from darkness to darkness. His heart pounded so hard it hurt his rib cage. He made the mistake of looking down, desperate for weapon. The man walked up to him, silent as death. He hit Jerry on the side of his head with the barrel of his gun. Jerry cried out in pain as he went down. At that moment, the clouds cleared, revealing a full moon. The male cocked the gun and aimed it at Jerry’s forehead. With his other hand, he showed a picture of a beautiful teenager, doing a peace sign to the camera.

Jerry felt his eyes widen in recognition. The man said “I see you know her.” His voice was so sweet and warm, like melting chocolate, yet so cold. “Where is she?” Jerry didn’t say anything. Of course he knew her. Jerry was the one who took the picture. She was Courtney Mendez. What does this asshole wants with her? , he thought hazily.

The man took a small step foward, making the gun touch Jerry’s forehead. “Tell me or die” he snarled.

Jerry looked up. The man looked like a supermodel. He was about 16-18 years old, Jerry realized, he was not a man. He manage a brave “No fucking way, bitch”. The guy smiled in a friendly way.

“Then I’ll see you in the news” The young adult said simply, and fired the gun. Jerry’s body went down as his consciousness faded to the oblivions of death.

The killer looked at him. “That was very unwise of you, stupid kid. Now look what you made me do.” He said as he threw the gun in the water. He turned around and grabbed his bag.

It would seem that he had no other choice than to look for Courtney’s address elsewhere.


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