On Kilee the Thirteenth

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One day, 16 years ago, Friday was born at 11:59 pm on Friday the Thirteenth. Her parents were serious drug addicts and were infact high at the time. At exactly 11:59 pm on Friday the Thirteenth, Friday was born. Two minutes later on Saturday the 14th, Saturday was born, Fridays twin brother. Their names were supposed to be Kilee Bones and Jordan Bones, but this is what their Birth Certificate said:

Name: Friday 13th
Date of Birth: Kilee Elaine Bones
Weight: 8 lbs. 13 ounces
Length: 39" 9mm
Father: Harley Bones_ Age:21
Mother: Vixie Bones_ Age:20

The exact same thing happened to Saturday, or as he wishes it was, Michael. Its sad.

Friday and Saturday went home two weeks later to their New York appartment on a sucluded street named Home. It was so sucluded that no one else lived on it. The only family that ever lived on Home street was indeed the Bone family. For generation after generation of druggie aunts and uncles and sons and daughters and mothers and fathers, this is where they lived, had kids, got high, and everything in between. To be honest, for drug addicts, this place was a palace.

On the inside it had silk curtains and crystal vases on every endtable to match the chandeliers in every high rooved part of the house. But they didnt care much for what it looked like. They cared about their drug hiding spots. They hid little fixes all around the house. They couldnt just leave them out now that they had two little babies to look after. Being high all the time wasnt an option, and concidering they just almost got caught because Vixie was high when the two were born, they needed to be more careful.

Up in the babies room, their was a big crib for each of them, and each side of the room was themed for them. To the left was Saturday's half of the room, and it was painted in brilliant shades of blue and orange. There were cute little toy engines and stuffed bears and little crinkly toys that drive babies wild. The floor was carpeted with an orphan blue shag with little orange built in fuzzies on it to match the room. On the right side, however, it was mind boggling shades of pink and yellow. The floor on that side had no carpeting, but it had beautiful hard wood flooring the colour of mud.

When they brought the two upstairs to their room, they changed them and placed them in their giant cribs to get some rest. Then they crept back downstairs with frames so they could hang up their birth certificates above their cribs. That is when they saw their mistake. " Um, Harley, my dear, why is our sons name SATURDAY THE 14TH?!" "I am not sure, but why is our daughters name FRIDAY THE 13TH?!" The two sat there, trying to call the doctor to get things set right, but he had gone on vacation right after their kids were born. They had no luck at all, no matter how many phone numbers they tried. They simply tried to forget about it, calling them Kilee and Jordan like it should have been.

For a while, about 3 or 4 months, they called the twins Kilee and Jordan, but then, they slipped back into the drug pool and the only thing they could remember were the dates. The two were often forgotten in their beds, but they always had each other and a cold bottle of milk for each. The two, by about 1 year, had become more self aware then any baby had ever before. They knew how to get out of their crib, crawl to their mother and get her to change them. She always did or they would cry and holler until she gave way.

At about 3 years old, Friday and Saturday had the same expanse of mind as a 13 year old and could walk and talk like one too. They were happy together, still sleeping in the same room with the same silk curtains and striped walls. In those four walls, they had entire conversations with those funny little blocks they gave kids in those 80's movies. In all reality, they were preparing ever since the late 80's anyway.

DO U THINK MOM WILL PUT US 2 BED 2NITE? Saturday "texted."

By 7 years old, they were a team against their parents. They would want to go to a school basketball game, their parents would want to snort cocain. They would want to be in a play, their parents would want to- Well, you get it. It was all drugs all the time. No matter where in the house they went, the only place without hidden fixes was Friday and Saturday's bedroom. They refused to let them hide any whatsoever in there anymore.  Honestly, to Friday, it was pathetic of them to even ask. She wondered what it would have been like with normal parents who aren't sniffing something every other second and to live near normal people. Long story short, Why weren't they normal?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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