Chapter 7: Next One is Very Special!

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-Previous on Trouble on The Dawn Treader-

"NO!" I shout.

"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?" I questioned the man.

"Of course, Daughter of Aslan, that's why you'll be worth thousands" He holds mine just as tightly before were dragged away from each other.

-And now on Trouble on The Dawn Treader-

Leo's POV

When I was taken out of that place, I ended up blacking out. I woke up in completely different room. It was surrounded in stone. I was the only one in it. It looked liked a dungeon. Surprisingly I remembered what happened before I blacked out!


I was pushed into a strange room. It looked like a bedroom. There was a double bed in the middle of the room. I still had my hands together.

"Hello there Leona!" I heard the mans voice say. He was sitting in a chair that was near the window.

"What do you want?" I asked kinda scared. He walked over removing the bars off my wrist.

"Simple, you!" He said then pushed me onto the bed. I moved off walking away.

"You will do what I say!" He ordered.

"You should have respect for me!" I reminded him. He slapped me across the face hard. It made me fall onto the floor.

"Just because your the Daughter of Aslan, that doesn't mean you deserve any respect from me!" He whispered in my ear.

"Guards!" He yelled. Then two men came.

"Take her to the dungeon!" I felt to people pick me up and carry me. Thats when everything went black.


I touched the side of my cheek. I let out a moan of pain. I could tell it was bruised.

"Just like how your practiced it" I reminded myself. I slowly hovered my cheek over the bruise and like that! It was gone!

"That's better!" I smiled to myself. I stood up walking to the window. I had a look outside! There was a moving cart with people in it.

"Mummy!" A little girl screamed. There was a man running after the cart. He didn't look like one of the guys before. He looked liked he was trying to get someone back.

"DON'T WORRY! I'LL FIND YOU!" The man vowed. The people were being sent onto a boat. The boat didn't seem like it was going on a pleasant trip. The passengers look more terrified then happy. Then out of no where, a green smoke came! Like it was coming out of the water! The green smoke looked like the green smoke my mother was covered in the last time I saw her! Then like that! The boat, the passengers, EVERYTHING! it just vanished like that! I moved away from the window.

"I've got to get out of here!" I told myself. I had a fireball and threw it at the wall but it didn't do anything. I tried again but it still didn't do anything.

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING?!" I asked annoyed.

"Who's that?" A strange voice asked. This voice seemed familiar, I just couldn't tell who it was.

"Why should I tell you?" I asked.

"Leo?" That voice I knew defiantly!

"EDMUND!" I ran to the wall.

"LEO! You don't know how happy I am to hear your voice!" Edmund said getting closer to the wall.

"I thought I was never going to see you again!" I replied back to the wall.

Trouble On The Dawn Treader {A Trilogy To Half Human Half Lion} -DISCONTINUED-Where stories live. Discover now