The Sacrifice

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I ran back to the river where Onos was still having trouble. I, well, stood there, until he was out of the water.

If the book is destroyed while it's magic is out, then the person using the power can die. 

It had said.

"Onos." I yelled. "Let's duel. I pick one power, you pick one power. If I win, you give me the world back. If you win, you take over the world."
He smiled.
"Deal. What power do you want?"
"Fire." I said.
"Death." He said. I gulped.
"You cannot win this," he said, circling me. "The book holds my life source. I cannot die!" I knew it. Destroy the book = destroy Onos. I have todo this.

"If you want it so bad, come and get it! I set my hand afire, which thankfully didn't hurt. I then set fire to the book.

It felt as if my life was slipping away, I was growing more unconscious every second. The last thing I saw, was the book long gone, Onos dissolving into dust. I then saw white, so I closed my eyes. Possibly,


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