Chapter 8- Little Crush?

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Ugh I just burned my hand. I would delay the update until tomorrow, but I haven't updated in 3 days so I must update. IT"S MY DUTY! 


~Harry's POV~

   I don't know why, but I like Caroline, you know like-like. I also think Liam likes her, more than a friend. I still do have a secret crush on Cara (What? Don't judge!) To be honest, I never liked Courtney, but I needed a distraction. I can dump her now, I can tell no one likes her, honestly I felt bad that, Kate made fun of her. I know have this guilt in me, telling me Kate said the truth. I ignored it and continued with what I'm doing. 

  "So guys, I've heard of this Cara Jansen, or as people say it Cara Horan?" She said, as Niall blushed. You guessed it was Ariana Grande. I felt a bit jealous she is nicknamed as Cara Horan, I honestly think Cara Styles, fits better. Well at least in my mind it does, I quickly shook that thought in the back of my head.  She smiled and there weren’t any imperfections, she was just to perfect for me. I turned to Caroline and Courtney.

  "Can you girls go get her?" I said. Courtney came and kissed me, Caroline laughed. 

 "What's so funny?" Courtney snapped. Caroline put her hands in a defense position. 

 "He told you to go get Cara, not eat his face." Caroline said with a smirk as Ariana burst into laughter, soon we all joined as the girls went to get Cara. 

  "So Niall, you really like her huh?" Ariana said getting serious; Niall blushed a bit and smiled.  "I'll take that as a yes." Ariana said wiggling her eyebrows, why she was so easy to talk to. We chuckled a bit and then stopped when we heard a voice.

 "Sup my Niggas!" We heard Cara yelled, the phrase was her catch phrase and I like that, Ariana turned around and Cara stared at her in shock. Next thing you know Cara fainted, I rushed by her side before Niall could, and Niall was closer to her. Niall scratched his head and coughed. 

 "Woops, uh..." I stared at Cara in my arms. "Here." I said offering him to Niall as Ariana giggled. 

"That was awkward, I swear it's like Harry AND Niall are in love with her." Ariana said as everyone agreed as I nervously giggled, I spotted Caroline looking at me with a face saying, 'We're going to talk about this.' I nodded. Is my crush on Cara growing more than my love for Caroline and my own girlfriend? She's with Niall though, as if on que Niall glared at me. 

 "What the matter?" I mouthed to Niall. He seemed infuriated. 

 "Eat. Your. Slut." He mouthed back. I glared and felt something on my bum. I turned and saw Courtney with her hand on my bum; I rolled my eyes and got her hands off, al though I wouldn’t mind if Cara touched my- NO! Forget that Harry and just focus on Cara. 

Don't mind if I do, her hair is so shiny and her eyes the same color as mine but a bit lighter, she has two dimples like me but on is deeper than the other-

No harry stop!

You know you want to think about it

But I have a girlfriend

But she isn't like Cara

Cara's with Niall

So, you know you can make her yours

But Niall's my mate

But he won’t treat her like you will

"UGH!" I yelled in frustration as everyone eyes flicked to me. 

"What's wrong?" Ariana said.

"I have a headache; I'm going to walk it off." I said tugging at my curls. I was really angry.

"I'll come with ya babe, maybe we could stop and shop, or maybe get some StarBu-" Courtney started, but I had no intention of spending money on her, ugh I'm just done with her.

"No, you just want my money! You're just a gold digger, and I'm fed up with it!" I said in her face. 

"What are you trying to say?" Courtney said obviously mad I humiliated her in front of everyone. She thought I would never let her go; it was all over her face. 

"I'm saying we're over." I said as Courtney looked at me in shock. She was going to open her mouth to say something but we were broken of by a laugh. 

"Hahahahaha- Oh are we in a serious matter, because I could faint again no problem." Cara said, I tired to keep a serious face but my face broke into a smile and I chuckled.

"No you don't have to faint again; I'm just going to go for a walk." I said as I turned to Courtney. "Courtney...”

"What going to say you're sorry like you should?" She said with a dirty little smirk. 

"No, I was just going to confirm that everything I said was true and we are over. You can pack you junk because you're going back to London tomorrow." I said as her jaw fell to the floor, with that I slipped out of the house for a walk in fresh air. 


Who should go after Harry, or should they just leave him alone? 

Whose POV do you want? In case you have no idea what a POV is it's Point of View... 

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