Chapter 14- Secrets and Mizallania

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Hey guys, sorry for the late update, I had a writer's block. I just had an idea this afternoon and I guess it's good enough. Now read on and hopefully you will enjoy. 


~Niall's POV~

  I woke up, feeling cold and lonely. I felt around for Cara, and when I felt something it didn't giggle like Cara did, it did shove my arm away playfully like Cara did, it didn't feel like the fabric of my shirt with soft skin, it felt flat and cold. I groaned and woke up, seeing it was a pillow with a note on it. I hesiatley reached for the note, but then turned to my bedside table seeing a plate filled with bacon, real bacon. Cara didn't buy real bacon, it was always turkey bacon. I knew she could only eat turkey bacon, so why is this bacon on my bedside table with eggs? I grabbed a strip of bacon and began to read the note. 


I had to leave for my flight. I know you wanted to drop me but you looked so cute sleeping. OMFG! So I cooked you a present. I know how you like bacon so I hid this, and decided to make it for you. It's on your bedside table. That's all the bacon in the house, so keep it to yourself, babe. :D Tell the others I went out to meet my sister. She wanted me to talk. Anyways, love you to the universe and back. xx <-- There kisses bro :P Keep 'em and cherish 'em. 

I laughed at the note, only Cara. I gobbled down the bacon, mmm. It was still warm, that means she didn't leave that long ago. Where was she going?

"I'll be back....hopefully." I recalled hearing her. What did she mean by hopefully? Why was she so pale? What happened between the walk she had with Harry? I have to ask him. Quick.  


I knocked on Harry's door, without hesitation. I heard some noise, but no movement. I opened the door, and luckily it was open.  I walked over to the queen sized bed, that is usually occupied by Harry and Courtney, now which only includes Harry. Thank god! I shook him and he let out a moan. Ew...

"Cara..*Moan* Mmm love." He moaned again. Wait what? Is he having a wet dream about my girlfriend? I punched him in the arm...hard. He shook awake and looked at me sleeply. "Cara...?" He questioned.

 "No you dumb-" I stopped myself midway, maybe i should play along and see what he dreams about MY girlfriend. They didn't really do anything together, I have complete trust in Cara.

"I mean yea Harry?" I asked in a bit high pitched voice which I could swear sounded like Cara, I am a master at impressions. 

"Cara, i think I love you, but why do you have to be with Niall, that wanker!" He said. I squinted on me, he love Cara?

"No but i love Niall, he's so handsome and dreamy and definately NOT a wanker!" I said, still in the high pitched voice. He relaxed a bit in his bed and turned his head to me, his eyes closed. 

"But we kissed." He said and that is when I lost my shit. I tackled him in his bed. (Don't think Dirty.) I punched him in the jaw, and he fell out of the bed. 

"YOU KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND?!" I yelled, hearing a bunch of footsteeps running towards the door, but before the door opened, I had already tackled Harry and  began to punch him, he blocked most of the shotS and got me 5 times. We both were bleeding, and he was wide awake now. I felt arms tug me back, two pairs of arms. I looked behind me and saw Liam and Zayn. I saw Harry get up and lunge at me but Caroline and Louis held him back. Well mostly Louis, but without Caroline, Louis would lose his grip on Harry. Caroline started to calm Harry and I down. 

 "No stop you guys, you have to solve this like real men, stop fighting each other, what's even the problem?" Caroline said panicking, she stood inbetween us. Her back holding Harry back. 

  "HE KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND!" I yelled at him and he scrowled, rolling his eyes. Caroline froze and her eyes filled with realization and shock. 

 "YOU KNEW?!" I yelled, shaking off Zayn and Liam's grip, calming down, but the fire was still ignited within me. Harry calmed down a bit too, but Louis held his arm firmly, knowing about his secret temper. 

  "Yes, I did know, but I only found out yesterday." She said playing with her fingers. Yesterday? Then when did it happen? 

  "When?" I asked, my tone saddening. She looked at me with gulit in her eyes. 

 "Yesterday, at our walk." I heard Harry say, a smirk on his lips. I rolled my eyes at him. He honestly thinks nows the time to act confident. I looked him in the eyes, looking his broken features, his nose was bleeding pretty bad. 

  "Just wipe your nose jerk." I said, not giving a damn. He wiped his nose winced at the amount of blood, and I wiped my own, not even seeing how much blood I have shed. Zayn stepped forward and asked the question everyone was wondering. 

 "Where's Cara?" 

~Cara's POV~

 The plane landed,. I was awake all these painfully slow plane hours, I had the first class seat,  and there wasn't anyone here, just some old guy way in the back and some teenage guy right next to me.

No one really goes to Mizallania (made it up dur) it's a small town city, and from what I learned from the books, it's a small city which contains a populaton of 500 people, and rumored to be a haunted village by an old king. Zapchish, who was brutally killed in front of the town for a murder he didn't commit and people only found that out he was killed. Ok so maybe I spent too much time on the ghost stories, but what didn't make sense is why I was heading here. 

  "Thank you for flying with us, you may exit the plane." The voice said and I exited. I got a text, and knew who it was. 

  "Good now there is going to be a guy holding the name Cara 526. Tell the guy, "It doesn't rain often does it?" 

Well that is the stupidest thing I ever read. I found a teenage looking guy, pretty hot. He had the name Cara 526. I walked towards him.


Here I gave you a long chapter. Have fun, until the next update.

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