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Hi. I'm Alex. I'm a werewolf. Yep, you read that write, I was bitten by a werewolf and now I can turn into a half man-half wolf creature of the night. On the full moon, I run around the forest with my pack. But let's go back a bit, back to when I was bit to be exact (see what I did there?).

So I live in a little house by the edge of the woods. One night, about a week before the full moon, I swore I saw a pair of yellow eyes out my bedroom window. Being the curious and stupid teenager I was, I decided it would be a good idea to grab the flashlight on the desk next to my bed and climb out my window for a closer look. My mom was asleep (dad left when I was just a kid) and didn't hear me shimmy down the drainpipe. I walked off in the direction I had seen the eyes. I know, total horror movie moment when the dumb blonde kid walks into the forest alone and you know he's about to get eaten by something. Anyways, I tripped over a log and fell flat on my face. When I got back up, brushed the leaves off my jacket, and turned my flashlight ahead, a wolf (not really normal for this part of Michigan) the size of a huge dog was staring right back at me. 

It pounched, slicing my thigh open with its teeth on the way back to earth. I yelped like a puppy who had just been smacked by its owner for eating a shoe. I fell over and held my leg in pain. The creature ran off into the woods, leaving me to limp back home before mom realized I was gone. I put a gauze pad on my wound and passed out on the bed, enough excitement for one night.

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