Chapter 11

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Lucy and Naruto run through the forest. Lucy still felt that someone's watching her, she always look around her insecured. Her the strongest wizard felt uneasy.

Lucy sense a lot of large power around them it messes her sense, since she can't find his father. Someone then appeared infront of them. It's a person with a hood, and by the way the person is wearing it's a guy, and he doesn't look like he's from this world.

"Who are you and i know you're not from this world."

Lucy narrowed her eyes at him. He glared at lucy and his eyes glowed.

"Im warning you, you shouldn't have come into this world, your going to mess the future in this world, you should leave."

Lucy glared back. Naruto look at the two confused of what they were talking.

"You go on without me Naruto" Lucy said. Naruto was about to protest but lucy glared at him. He hesitantly continue to run through the forest.

"Well this madara guy kidnapped my father and brought him here, do you think im just going back and do nothing?"Lucy said. The man sigh and look at lucy like she's stupid.

"There's no madara here yet, it's literally impossible, since he's not been reanimated yet" the guy said. Lucy look at the guy not believing him.

"So you're telling me that my friend is lying?" Lucy doubt the man's word. She meant that celest wouldn't lie right?

"Hmm there are rules, first you can't go to another world it's not allowed since you can change something, second even if you are the queen of the dragons and magic you're not still allowed to go to another world it's a crime. Didn't you studied about it?"The man said. Lucy look down she forgot about the rules.

"What about my father?"lucy asked.

"He's not here, your friend lied to you and i'll let you go this time for breaking the rules, next time don't forget the rules." the man said.

"Then where's my father?" Lucy asked.

"You'll find him soon, now go before i change my mind" he said.

"Wait one more question, are you the one who's watching me?"lucy asked. The man shook his head and shoo lucy to go back to her own world.

Lucy summon the portal of dragon realm and entered.

The man look at lucy as she entered the portal.

"Now for my job, time to erase naruto's memory of lucy"he said and teleport.


Lucy got back to the dragon realm, and made her way to celest room. She entered celest room only find no one, Lucy was sure she sense her here.

"Where are you celest?"lucy asked no one. She sigh, thinking at the new problem, and who's the person watching her!?

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