Chapter 26: Steak and Fakes

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Andrea's POV: I really didn't want to go out but we had to. "I don't even know what to wear. Stacy groans. "How about black skinny jeans and your pink tank top. Tati offered but she shook her head. It took forever but we found something to wear. I was wearing a cream colored skirt with a strapless blue top. I put on my heels and grab my purse. "Girls it took me like 15 minutes to get ready. I whine. "Hold on. Brooke says. I roll me eyes and walk to the boys room. "Hola. I say as Nash opens the door. "Hi you can come in the boys aren't naked. He says. "Hey guys. I say. "Hey. They say. "Hey babe. Hayes says kissing my cheek. "Um are you two are like a thing now. Matt asks. "Are we. I ask looking up at him. "Yeah we are. Hayes says. "I feel lonely. Carter says. "Don't worry you'll find someone. I say pinching his cheeks. "I'm older than you. He groans. I chuckle. "Well its not my fault that I'm so good looking. I say flipping my hair. He rolls his eyes. "OK let's go the girls are ready. I say looking at the text. We walk out to see the girls. Hayes was holding my hand and I guess the girls saw so they squealed. The whole ride was so fun music was playing and Matt whining say hes hungry. "Matt shush were almost there. Dad says. Matt groans and stomps his foot. We finally made it and got seated. Hayes was on my left and Shawn on my right. Then a girl I'm guessing the waitress. She was wearing a skirt that I'm surprised that covers her butt and a shirt that you can see her belly. "What would you like to order. The waitress asked rudely. "Uh I'll have the jersey steak with mashed potatoes. I say handing her the menu. "You can get fat from that. She says giving me a dirty look. "And I'm not as fake as like a barbie. I say. (Sorry I'm bad at comebacks😂.) She rolls her eyes and walks away. "She's rude. Lox says. "I think she was hot. My dad says shrugging. My jaw dropped. "Here's your food. The waitress Jane said to my dad. "And yours. She says and spills cke all over me. "Are you kidding me. I say standing up. "What. She says innocently. "Your a bitch you know that. I say furious. "Oh I know. She said smirking. "Uh Andrea calm down. Hayes says. See the thing is I couldn't calm down so I slap her and knee her. "Andrea. My dad yells and helps Jane up. "Ugh my face. She yells. "Yeah its full of shit. I say. My dad gives me a dirty look and yells at me. "Andrea why would you do that. He yells. "She spilled coke on me. I yell. "It was an accident. He spat. "You were too. I snapped. "And you know that it wasn't an accident I say calming down a little. "I should've adopted Talia. He yells. Now that I broke down. I ran out of restaurant and cried. "Andrea are you okay. My friends ask worried. "No that little bitch think she can spill things on me and just to put the cherry on top my own fucking father said he should've adopted Talia. I scream as they cringed. "And its my birthday. I say. The girls try and comfort me. "Girls I think i ts my turn. A voice says. I turn around to see Hayes. I run up to him and cry in his shoulder. "It's okay baby girl. He comes in my ear. I'm whaling and mascara all over my face. "I just can't believe my own father said that. I croak. He rubs my back. "Um here I think you might need these. Stacy says handing me makeup wipes. "Were leaving right now. Nash yells. "What happed. I ask. "I'll tell you in the car just c'mon before Cameron comes. Matt says and everyone piles in besides Cameron. I'm not gonna call him my dad after that. "You okay. Taylor asks. "No. I say and break down again. "OK I just called Bart and Magcon is canceled. Jack g says stressed out. "What happened. I ask. "Cameron just hit lox and me and the boys beat the crap out of him. Shawn says. "Bart got us plane tickets home besides him. Hayes says. "But he's gonna be all alone. Brooke says. "Why would you care. Tati says. "Because he might do stupid things. She says. "Well let him do it were going home. Jack j says. "Lox you alright. I ask. "Yeah just a bruise on my cheek. She says. I nod and sit back. We got back to the hotel and pack up. "I'm gonna miss Florida. Stacy says. "Wait what about that boy. I say. "Oh he lives in Cali too. She says matter of factly. We go down to the lobby and go to the airport. "I feel a hand on my thigh. I look up and see Hayes. "I'm broken. I mumble. "No you're not your beautiful, funny, and the love of my life. He says. "I love you too. I say and give him a passionate kiss. We arrived at the airport and waited for our flight. "Ready. I ask my girls. "Yup. They say. "B. I start. "F. Tati says. "F. Brooke says. "Forever. Stacy finished. We grouped hug. "Girls our flight has been called. Nash says. We go on the plane and get seated next to jack j and tati. "Why do I get the middle. Jack groans. "Because I want to see the view. I say as he rolls his eyes. "Ugh these shoes are killing me. I whine and take off my heels. We didn't have time to change so we all have fancy clothes on. I look out the window with a tear steaming down. "You good. Jack said. "Yeah just gonna wonder if he actually cares about me. I say wiling my tear away. He nods and watches his movie. I decided to go to sleep.

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