Thunder and Lightning

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Harry is dead and he has three tasks to complete in order to go to Heaven. Liam is trying to convince him that Hell is the right place for him. Louis is pretty sure he belongs in Heaven, though.

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He watches the tears stream down his mother's face as she carefully opens the bag and pours its contents into the urn. Harry feels an ache in his heart for his mum for having to memorialize her own child like this. He feels like he needs to let her know that he's still here, he hasn't gone anywhere. He quickly makes his way over to the television, plunges his hand through his cat Dusty, whose standing in front of the power switch, and turns it on. Harry's mum jumps and turns.

"Dusty! You can't go scaring me like that, turning on the telly." Harry's mum tsks her disapproval and gets up to turn the television off. Harry's heart sinks a little. He feels like he's already been forgotten.


All Harry remembers about his death is seeing himself leaning against the steering wheel of a sedan, blood streaming from somewhere under his mop of curly hair. He remembers watching the paramedics and fire department arrive. He watched them cut him out of the car and pronounce him dead on arrival.

The day after he died, he saw his mother bring a small cross and a wreath with her to the place he had his accident. He watched her hammer the cross into the ground and sob as she placed the wreath against it. He saw her kneel down at the marker and pray that he get accepted into Heaven. And that, he's sure, is what got him in his current predicament.

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"Your soul would look exceptional next to mine, Harry." Harry jumps and turns, not expecting another spirit to be haunting his mother's home.

"My soul?" Harry asks. The other spirit is a little shorter than he is, the fuzz of a buzz cut instead of hair on his head, with tattoos going down his right arm.

"Your soul." The other spirit repeats.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Harry asks. He's really not sure why there's another spirit in his mother's home. He has no reason to be there, especially since Harry is the only person his mother knows who's died recently.

"My name is Liam. I'm here for your soul." Liam states, as if it should be obvious. Harry knits his eyebrows together.

"Why do you want my soul?" Harry questions.

"I told you. It would look exceptional next to mine." Liam smirks and disappears, leaving Harry even more confused than he was before.

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Harry watches his mum bring home a fairly large plastic bag, full of what looks like a mixture of really fine dirt and sand. She's also got a shopping bag with her, which she places on the table first. She doesn't put the bag of sand stuff down, but places it on her lap once she's sat down.

It remains on her lap as she pulls a fancy vase with a lid out of the shopping bag. The vase is made of bronze and looks like the decorations were carefully etched on. At the base, Harry's full name is inscribed with a pair of dates. February 1, 1994 - April 27, 2013. It's an urn, Harry realizes, and the bag of dirt on his mother's lap is his cremated body. A shiver runs down his spine, bringing goosebumps to the surface of his skin.

He watches the tears stream down his mother's face as she carefully opens the bag and pours its contents into the urn. Harry feels an ache in his heart for his mum for having to memorialize her own child like this. He feels like he needs to let her know that he's still here, he hasn't gone anywhere. He quickly makes his way over to the television, plunges his hand through his cat Dusty, whose standing in front of the power switch, and turns it on. Harry's mum jumps and turns.

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