I love you, Louis Tomlinson

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All he could hear, could feel, could smell, could breathe was Louis.


If he was going to be quite honest with himself (which was his plan, but his plans never really followed through), then he knew he was doomed from the start. It wasn't as much to do with the general idea of being doomed (because it was an idea at first); it was to do with the actual, physical state of being doomed (because that's what it turned into).

Whenever Harry thinks about it (which he does way, way too often for his liking, but whatever), he ends up forgetting everything else and becomes as a sexually frustrated teenage boy for a few days. And that really screws up everything, because Zayn always goes on and on about how this can't be healthy and that Harry should really see someone, and Niall just gets annoyed that no one is cooking food for him.

But Harry really can't help it because his eyes were so damn beautiful. They were sea green and picturesque and flawless and Harry could stare into them for hours and just float away. He could get lost in them, shipwrecked in them. He could live in them if he chose to, but he didn't choose to because he knew he could never move out. And it's not that he would ever choose to leave (because he wouldn't, and he and Zayn and Niall all knew that), it's that he just didn't want to end up as a loner. Again. Like last time (and the time before that and the time before that and the time before that, as Niall so helpfully reminds him everyday when Harry is lying moaning on the couch in pure agony of being sexually deprived).

He remembers the first time he ever saw them. It was the first day of school (or the first week or first month or first semester, something along those lines) and Louis was that new kid that for some reason everyone loves. For some reason luck was on his side that day and Harry was assigned the job of guiding Louis around school (which he didn't have to do anyway, because Louis is so goddamn friendly and had already managed to find a group that was showing him around). So yeah, Harry's first conversation with Louis was a total joke to basically half the school, but Harry really doesn't mind, because he got to hear Louis talk (and he got to see those eyes that seem to constantly be on his mind).


"Hi, um, I'm Harry. I'm supposed to show you around the school today," Harry stuttered, standing before the slightly shorter boy in the middle of the hallway after English class.

"Oh!" Louis looked up. Harry blushed and looked down, hating to look people in the eye. "I, uh, didn't know that. My friends already offered to show me around and I said yes, so uh, sorry."

"That's fine," Harry responded, finally looking at the boy. "If, you, uh, have any questions--"

"I'll let you know! Sounds great, mate! I'm Louis, by the way. See you around?" Louis grinned, waving at Harry, before walking away and joining his newfound friends.

Harry stood there for a few minutes until the bell rang, in a daze. Those eyes were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.


"Harry Edward Styles, if you don't get your curly haired ass off that sofa this instant, I swear to God that I will burn each and every one of your Coldplay albums."

Harry groaned, turning his head and squinting at the incoming light from the kitchen. "Zayn, your dick's hair is curly too, so shut up and leave me alone."

"I don't need a bloody health lesson, Styles. I'm not 12. Niall's hungry, I want my sofa back, and you sure as hell need a shower," Zayn snapped, turning on the light and ignoring Harry's half hearted pleas. "Up you get, it's after 11."

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