Chapter 3: I answered her

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Sorry for the super late update, I have been VERY busy with my new Let's Play channel and trying to keep up with all the painting comissions I have been  getting ;A; Please don't hate meee. Anyways I hope you enjoy, leave a comment to let me know I should continue this story.

Chapter 3: I started with her

Rythian glanced up from his work every now and then as Zoey ran around, exploring the new landscape and yelling about all the possibilties their new home. "Rythian?!" Zoey yelled excitedly, turning to Rythian with a large smile. "Hmm?" He hummed in response, crafting something. "Can I build a huge farm!? Maybe somewhere we can grow mushrooms!" She laughed happily. "Sure, you can have a farm. Soon we can just condense everything though.." Rythian trailed off, paying more mind to what he was making. "No I will grow all our food! All natural ya know!" Zoey announced, coming to watch as Rythian placed down a power flower setup.

"What should I do?" Zoey asked excitedly. "Well we need to find some material for a house," Rythian suggested. "Oh what about some of that black stuff!?" Zoey returned. "Bathsalt?" Rythian questioned. "Yeah that!" Zoey smiled. "Well that would look nice, I think there is a volcano near here also.." Rythian pondered. "Come on let's go!" Zoey laughed, pulling Rythian with her in some random direction. "Oh uh alright, fair enough," Rythian stumbled with her.

Rythain thought for a moment about the direction in which they needed to go and finally chose a course, setting off with Zoey on his heels. She liked asking him all sorts of questions, most of them he had no answer to. He liked her company and questions though, at least he wasn't alone anymore.

After hiking through the forest for quite some time, the pair came to a smoldering black hill in a clearing. "Here it is," Rythian confirmed, proud of his rememberence skills. "It's so tiny Rythian! It's like a baby volcano!" Zoey cooed, standing hazardly clost to the small pool of lava. Rythian stepped beside her, placing his hand on her shoulder to steady her. "I guess so. All we need is the bathsalt anyways," He shrugged, turning and beginning to mine the black stone. He watched from the corner of his eye as Zoey kneeled by the lava, as red as her hair, and smiled contently, gazing into the heat.

"Let's call him Jem," She smiled. "Jem?" Rythian asked, turning to her. "Jem, the baby volcano," She smiled to him. Rythian huffed a small laugh and went back to mining. Jem the baby volcano.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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