Its him Meet mae

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*Freshmen year*
*RING! RING* I slam my hand on my alarm clock and roll over In my comfy bed and tug on my covers, it's 6 o'clock in the damn morning and they expect me to go to school! I scream into my pillow.
I groan and start my morning routine
I start by brushing my long brown hair then I brush my teeth *looks at clock* ugh! I quickly highlight my big green eyes with a black eyeliner wing and then get my outfit on and run out the door I grab my long board and start my journey to school, I wonder if I'll see Logan... I kind of miss him..

I stop at the front of my new school, *sigh* freshmen year it's the beginning of my life... I promised that I wouldn't be the person I was in middle school... It's different now *chuckles to myself* and damn did puberty hit me like a bus! I look up at the massive high school, I groan and adjust my backpack and walk up into my new school.

When I get in I'm walking almost blindly, I have no idea were I'm going I had missed freshman orientation the week before school had started.
I walk around trying to find my first class, I finally find it and try and belly through it -_-.
I got through my first class.

I walk frantically around to find my second period, I turn into a narrow hallway then I remember I need to stop at my locker so turn around *bell rings* I start running to my locker

*bam!* I look around and all my books and papers are spread all over the floor and I'm flat on my ass looking like a complete idiot! I look up and there he is... He looks down at me with his brilliant blue eyes and and smirks

"oh damn I'm really sorry Mae lemme help you up" he laughs I look up at him and glare.

" oh I'm sure you are, and don't you need to be in class or something? -_-"

he gives me a sly smile and laughs again "I should be asking you the same question, I'm going to the office what's your excuse baby?"

My face gets hot "I- I'm not your baby Logan! And I was just going to my locker!"

He frowns a little "so do you need help finding your locker love?"

I can feel a heavy blush creeping over my face "l-Logan I don't need your help! I can handle myself just fine!"
I grab my backpack off the floor and start to walk to my locker, I turn around to see if he was still there... sure enough there he stands with his goofy smile as he runs his hand through him gorgeous brown hair,He waves at me as he walks away.

Damn... He got really cute over the summer...
I grew up with Logan he's my next door neighbor, our parents have been friends since forever but it's been for ever since I've seen Logan they when on an all summer vacation to Cali and I haven seen them since then... I guess I never realized I missed them... How I missed him...

I finally make it to lunch, I walk around the lunch room trying to find my friends I see my best friend Amber, I make my way thought the crowd to meet her and my other friends I set my heavy backpack down and let out a sigh of relief. I'm startled by a voice behind me and arms wrap around my waist i try and turn around to some who was holding me hostage but I'm not strong enough

"tisk tisk Mae mea you know your not stronger than me baby"
There's  only one person in the world calls me Mae mea, Logan! I spin around and he hugs me, and whispers in the crook of my neck "I missed you this summer"

My face turns a bright red, he looks up from my neck and waves at my friends with a flirty smile on his face "hi ladies"

I look up at him with and annoyed face.
He smiles kisses my cheek and walks away
" bye Mae Mae I'll see you after school *wink*"
The bell finally rings for lunch to be over!
The rest of the  day when as slow as it could possibly go.

At the end of the day I walk out of the front of the school, I survived the first day!
I text Logan to see if he's walking me home or not.

Mae: hey do you plan on walking home with me or am I on my own today we have some catching up todo!

Logan: ohhh did someone miss me this summer? ; )

Mae: no I just wondering.... :/

Logan: okay what ever you say baby, anyways I can't I have football practice tonight you can always watch my practice;) if you want to walk home with me so badly

Mae:  -_- fine be there in 5....

Logan: see ya then baby cakes ;)

I walk into the bleachers and watch logan's brutal football practice, I watch as he tackles his teammates and does laps around the foot ball field.                  
After practice
I watch as Logan as he runs up the bleachers in his football uniform.
God he's so hot in his jersey

" hey cutie I'm gonna hit the showers you can come with if you want ;)"

my face got warm "aha I don't think so o-0"  i laugh nervously ". " suit your self" he shrugs and laughs, he runs into the school to get showered, I watch as he runs inside. Damn his but looks great!

I wait on the bleachers for Logan and play color switch on my phone.
"BOO!" I scream and spin around in my seat on the bleachers to see him " ugh your such a jerk!" He laughs at my scared face, I hit his chest with my fist and laugh.

We walk home together we laugh and joke around the whole way home.... Just like before

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