Candie kisses

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Mae's Pov

It's the first day back at school since our one week break, only a  few months before summer break, then we'll all be sophomores!
I run up to amber in the hall she spins around and her eyes widen immediately,

" I heard Colton gray asked you out!? Wtf is that!?"
I laugh at her facial expressions and simply nod yes, she screams excitedly.

"You have to let me pick out your outfit, and give me every single detail of that date!"

I laugh again and nod, just as I turn around to head to class I bump into a hard chest.
I look up and see Colton, amber is now behind me jumping up and down excitedly.

"Hey mea!"

"Uh hi Colton"

"So about that date? How about I pick you up tonight at 6?"

"Oh uh yeah sure that sounds great."
I smile a little as I try to block out what Logan told me about him at the party.

"Great see you then gorgeous"
He kisses my cheek making me blush like crazy, he smirks at my red cheeks and walks away.
I turn around again and close ambers open mouth.
It's finally almost time for my date! He should be here any minute now.
I hear the doorbell ring so I quickly run to the front door and answer it, but... It wasn't Colton it was Logan. I frown and walk away  from the open door.

"Mea just let me talk to you! You've been ignoring me all week! How long are you going to pretend like I'm not here?"

"As long as it takes now you have to go my dates going to be here any mi-"

The door bell rings again.

"Your going out with Colton!?"

"Yes and he's here so go out the back!"
I snap at him.
I quickly run to the door again and answer it. God he looks hot!

"God you look hot!"
Oh god did I just say that out loud...

"Aha you look pretty great your self"
He laughs a little.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind and pull me back into a hard chest, I blush and look up. It's Logan..
With one arm around my waist he extends his arm out to shake colton's hand.

" hi I'm Logan, I'm staying with Mae for the week until her dad gets back, have her back at a decent time."
He glared coldly at Colton and placed his arm around my waist again.

" uhm yeah sure no problem"
Colton grabs my hand and gently pulls me out of Logan's arms towards the car, he quickly opens the door for me then gets in him self.
We get done eating at the restaurant, still laughing and joking around, when we get in the car it got quiet. He turns to look at me.

"Sooo did you have a good time tonight?"
His hand moves to my knee.

"Oh ah yeah I had a great time."
his hand moves more up my thigh.
He leans closer towards me.
I lean towards him and close the small gap between us, his lips are smooth and soft,
He runs his tongue across my bottom lip, I open my mouth he immediately begins to explore my mouth and massage my tongue with his. I bite his bottom lip and make him moan a little. His hand is between my legs now, I grab his hand and brake the kiss.

"I'm sorry that was just too fast for me"
He sighs in disappointment and starts the car.

"It's okay, your pretty good for little to none experience though"
I laugh a little and look at him

"How do you know I have little experience!?"
He smirks and laughs

"I went "too fast" most girls I've been with just go with it"
He shrugs.
I look down

"Hey but it was good we should do this again sometime"
He winks and leans over to kiss me.
I walk up to my front porch and unlock the door, I quickly jump back and fall on my butt when the door swings open.

"It's 11:00 what took so long!?"
I look up to see Logan standing in the door way with a worried look on his face.
I roll my eyes and laugh.

" sorry dad  "
I say sarcastically.

"Did he touch you? Hurt you? Did you try anything with you!?"

"No Logan calm down! It was just a peck... Kiss... Make out"

"What!? What else did he do to you!?"
I get up and push him in the house and slam the front door shut. I push him against the nearest wall and press every inch of my body on his.

"Listen Logan, your not my boyfriend I'm aloud to have a life out side of this friendship and you won't hold me from that understand?"
He nods slowly.
I kiss his neck softly, I hear him make a low moan. I push my self off him and walk down the hall to the kitchen, I yell down the hall to Logan
"Oh and by the way Colton is throwing a party this weekend we should go since my dad is out of town"
I peek around the corner to see him nod yes. I smile and bounce up and down excitedly.

Logan's Pov
  I walk to the kitchen and join her trying my best to hide the bulge in my jeans that she caused. I look at her searching thru the fridge for a midnight snack, I smile and laugh, I go up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her head.
God I miss this.

"I missed you."
I whispered in her ear.

"I was only gone for the night."
She giggled

"No I haven't seen you all week remember.."

"Logan I'm sorry about the party."

"No Mae I'm sorry what I said wasn't ok."
I look down.
She turns around and pulls my face close to hers. I can feel her soft warm breath on my lips I close the gap between us she immediately opens her mouth and I begin to explore her every part of her mouth, she tastes sweet and her lips are soft, I pull her into my chest to deepen the kiss she pushes me roughly into the kitchen chair and straddles me I grab her butt then wrap her legs around me, I get up carefully so I don't break the kiss. I carry her up to her bedroom and lay her gently on the bed. I get up off the bed breaking the kiss.

Mae's Pov
I pull him back on top of me and kiss him hungrily, he pushes away.

"It's been a long night I think I'm going to bed."

"Oh um yeah okay... Night.."
Maybe that was for the best, I shouldn't have done that, I don't want to lose him as a friend...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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