The dance of fate

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It was almost time for the school dance and misaki wants to ask aichi to the dance.

Yuri: i wonder if aichi is going to the school dance.

With aichi.

Emi: aichi is there some special you are going to ask to the dance.

Aichi:(blushing) there is someone i want to ask.

Emi: oh aichi is it one of the three girls.

Aichi: um no its someone special to me and she is moving here today.

Emi: oh someone new is she very special to you aichi (smirking).

Outside the moving truck parked at a house near aichi's house and the person who came out was sakura.

???: Aichi you home.

Emi: who could that be aichi.

Aichi: i got this emi don't worry.

Sakura: hey aichi it seems that you are doing good.

Aichi: hey sakura its been a while.

Sakura: it sure has been aichi i reall missed you (hugs aichi).

Aichi:(hugs sakura back) ya i missed you to.

Sakura: ya so have you made any new friends while i was gone.

Aichi: actually i have made a lot of new friends.

Sakura: oh who are they.

Aichi: there is a lot i rather u meet them in person.

Sakura: i can't wait to meet them.

Aichi: ya oh and me and asaka are bestfriends.

Sakura: you and asaka i didn't know that.

Aichi: yup it happened not to long ago

Sakura: so i heard the school is having a school dance.

Aichi:(blushing) oh ya i was wondering i-if y-you w-wanted to g-go to t-the d-dance with me sakura.

Sakura:(blushing) sure aichi.

With kyon and haruhi.

Haruhi: hey kyon do you want to go to the dance with me.

Kyon:(blushing) s-sure h-haruhi.

Haruhi:(blushing) good and stop blushing idiot.

Kyon: sorry.

With misaki and yuri at card capital.

Yuri: so it looks like the dance is in a couple hours we should get ready.

Misaki: but we don't have any dates to the dance.

The door opens.

Mike: sup guys you two going to your dance.

Misaki: mike why are you here.

Mike: well i didn't have a date to my dance so i thought i could hang out here but it looks like you guys are going.

Yuri: ya we promise to go even though we don't have any dates.

Mike: well i should go then good luck with your dance.

Misaki: you want to come with us.

Yuri: ya you should come with us to the school dance.

Mike: really you guys want me to go with you.

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