♡That Day Will Come♡

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Dedicated to Alexander Daniels and Natalie Taylor

"One, you're like a dream come true

Two, just wanna be with you

Three, girl, it plain to see you're the only one for me

Four, repeat steps one through three

Five, make you fall in love with me

If ever I believe my work is done, then I'll start back at one.

I promise to be yours forever, if you'll be mine for always"

Dear Alex & Natalie,

Happy one year anniversary Nalex♥Let me start off by thanking you guys for making me the happiest 'little sister' ever :) I'm so happy for you guys, even after everything that has happened up to this point. They say that if a friendship can last up to seven years, then that friendship will be everlasting and forever. I believe that if a relationship can last up to seven years, then that loving relationship will be everlasting and be together forever, having your dream fairytale ending come true♥I seriously never thought that I would be this crazy and attached to an OTP, it's unbelievable! You don't even know how much you guys mean to me when you two are together. My feelings for you guys to be together is getting stronger and stronger each and everyday. I'm sorry if sometimes, become a drama queen and being a bitch, but Nalex I never mean anything. I swear to God! Except the part when I say "I love you guys, I miss you guys and etc." :) I love our late night/morning conversations, but I hope we can all talk to each other together, not by texting, but by phone calls or video chats. Texting is a misconception of who the person really is behind the screen... And I'm going to be very honest here, because that's true. There are little times where I want to be a different person, not being who I really am or I'm just tired and just say things I wasn't thinking clearly of saying. I feel bad every time I lie to you guys, so I hope that one day, you'll actually see the real me, so I can show my appreciation and love for you two. I really do love talking to you two very much, only if I can stay on my iphone with you guys for the whole day, because I would for reals. I just care about you guys and obviously, I don't want any of you two living your life off of coffee and sleep deprivation, going to school looking like a 'dead zombie couple' or something haha♥I just want you guys to be healthy and happy together you know :) I honestly can't wait to meet you in person... Everyone here in PA, mainly me, are dying to see you guys together ): Hopefully it'll be soon! I'm sorry as well for all the arguments and fights we go through is, so no matter how hard the situation is, I want you two to remember that I love you guys. Promise me you two will stay together forever? You guys are my everything: From my favorite OTP since forever... My inspiration for romance... My role models... My family... My big brother and big sister... My best friends... okay?♥I'm so blessed to have met you guys and even luckier to see a true, loving couple. You guys are the ideal true love, perfect couple. True love knows no bounds♥I wish you guys not just the best in the future ahead, but admiration for you both. You are extraordinary. I know that deep down in my heart, I'm always cheering you two on! Wishing you lots of love, joy, and happiness! Today... Tomorrow... And forever... This is the first of many happy years to come! I love you guys so much, till infinity and beyond♥Every love story is beautiful, but yours is my absolute favorite :) One down and forever to go

Your all-time, loving little sister,

Tiffany P.L. Nguyen

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