Chapter 1. Daydreaming

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Pure, unfilitered Bliss. That's what I'm experiencing right now. The warmth of the sun kissing my skin. The soft breeze caressing my face. Hearing the soothing beat of wings guide me through fluffy bundles of cotton whipped clouds. And the best part is the acknowledgement of freedom. Sweet, sweet, glorious freedom. Oh I could be here forever.

Hmmmmm. yea that sounds nice....that word forever...


Forever....."Isaura" a voice suddenly whispers my name.


Huh? What the heck was that? "Isaura" it whispers again.

Ooook where's that voice coming from? Its quite nice actually. Very masculine and powerful. Yet soft like the air itself.

"Hello?" I respond eagerly wanting to hear the beautiful voice again.


"Where are you?" I ask searching scanning my gaze around the sky.

"I am here Isaura. You must find me."

"But where? I can't see you?" I ask. Then out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of something shiny go behind a cloud. But its so far away that i can't make it out.

"Isaura." There it goes again.

"Isaura, follow my voice." It..he...whatever the thing is instructs.

"Follow my voice, you must find me." 'Ok well maybe if you'd stop moving I could.' I think to myself impatiently. Then out of nowhere a force knocks into me. Hard. So hard that I loose control and stop flying...and start falling. And of course. I'm screaming. Loudly.

"HOLY SH*T!! WHAT THE HELL?!" I yell while ungracefully flailing my arms.

"NO! Isaura hurry! You must find me! Find me before its too late!" The voice yells at me urgently.

And well since I'm the one that's falling my immediate response would be...


And then i scream. Nonstop.

The emotion of pure, raw terror rushes through my senses as the calm, welcoming sky turns into my impending doom. The air no longer giving me soft caresses but harsh thrashes of wind whipping at my body. While stripping my lungs of it's precious oxygen.

And then the unwelcoming view of the ground approaches.

"ISAURA!!" The voice screams at me.

"ISAURA WAKE UP! WAKE UP!" Ok so either I'm crazy or this guy is just an idiot. You would think that since I'm falling to my death he would come out of hiding and just save me already. But nooooo the damned voice just keeps trying to play friggin hide and seek!

"Ya know maybe if you'd stop your hiding you could help me out here!" Yeesh! The nerve of some people.

"Isaura?!...Isaura?!" Hey wait a minute. Is that who i think it is?

"Isaura! Wake up you pathetic little brat. " Oh crap. It is. But how did he get up here? Oh no, oh no, oh no! Now this really can't be happening to me. I start to panic trying to search frantically around my descending scene to see if it was truly possible for him to have found me. Spinning around in mid-air I see nothing but then i get the notion that i should look down.

And there he is. In all of his drunken uncle. I just know that even from this high distance he's glaring in my direction. Shit. To be honest I don't know what's worse. The fact that I'm about to die or that my uncle looks like he wants to tear me to shreds. Me getting closer to the ground gives me an unfortunate better view of him and what is terrifying.His face is in its usual snarl but this time there's something unatural about it. Almost as if there was something else lurking beneath it. His eyes were no longer its natural muddy brown but a sinister pitch black and accompanied by deadly daggers for teeth. Now that i have a better view i notice that his hands are reaching out for waiting to grab in its clutches. Seeing how close i am now i realize that there is much distant between us anymore and its only a matter of time before he has me.

"Oh God, please no!" I start to panic again resulting in a strangled attempt at hypervenilating.

I try to move out of the way but it seemed as if the wind had turned into a tunnel directing me straight in his direction. This is it I guess I'm going to die. Or at least he's just gonna make me wish I had.

"I got you now you little b**ch. You're mine!" He snarls at me. And right when I'm about to land in his clutches everything goes black.............

THWACK!!! I jolt up from the impact of an object meeting my face "Wake up! Ya lazy bum! And make my breakfast!" Not really sure what just happened I stay on the floor dazed. After a few minutes of mental fog I realize that i was indeed not falling. Great so I was daydreaming again. Well i guess that's a good thing seeing as how I'm not dead. But by the tender sting on my cheek I'm guessing that my uncle had been calling me for a good minute and got impatient. Getting up was a hassle but once i did i kept my face down, making sure not to make eye contact with my caregiver.

" 'Bout time you got up. Now make yourself useful and go downstairs to the kitchen." He order then left.

Taking in a deep breath to settle myself I headed to my bathroom to clean myself up. I've really gotta stop daydreaming so much. "It's becoming more of a burden then a release." I grumble to myself while rubbing my sore cheek.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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