H o l d Y o u D o w n - 10

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First off, excuse my mistakes. Thank you @conformity for the new cover. Finally I'm on the double digits! There's so much drama is this story...... Goal is 450 votes and 180 comments.

                                                                   H o l d Y o u D o w n - 10

"I know your gonna through a lot of things, I can see it in your eyes." - Avant, "Now You Got Someone"

Trinity was in her red fluffy robe that she's been wearing ever since, Chance let five days ago. She hasn't left the house, called or answer her phone, and hasn't taken a shower since then also.

Stuffing another spoon full of chocolate chip cookie dough in her mouth, while she laid upward on her couch in the living room as she shakes her head at the hoe on Maury.

The girl bought seven men on the show and not one of them was the baby daddy. Damn shame.

Trinity started laughing when she saw all the men get up from their seats and started dancing. The woman like usual got up crying and screaming running towards the back.

She was about to turn to another channel, but the house bell ringing stopped her, she wasn't about to get up. She ignored it and turned to the next channel.

Whoever the person was kept ringing her door bell and it seems like they weren't going anywhere no time soon.

Trinity sucked her teeth and place the ice cream on the living room table in front of her. Couldn't a girl just stuff her face and be sad without any interruptions?

Slipping of her house shoes, Trinity slowly made her way straight towards the front door. Who the hell would be at her door at this time of night.

Standing on her tiptoes, Trinity looked through the peephole and saw Jason's beautiful blue eyes staring right back her.

"Shit." Trinity softly cursed and got off her tiptoes. She really didn't know if she should open the door or not.

"Trinity." Jason called as he started knocking heavily on the door. "I know your ass is in there."

Trinity knew most likely Jason wasn't going anywhere until he saw her, so she decide to open the door.

"What you want?" she said as she opened the door so that he could only see her face.

"Why haven't you been answering my calls?" he asked as he tried to look behind her into the house.

"Look, Jason I'm fine. You can go now." she said simply as she started to close the door back.

But before the door could be closed all the way, Jason stuck his foot inside. "What are you hiding?"

"Jason, I'm not hiding shit. Move your fucking foot." Trinity snapped.

"Naw, there's something wrong." Jason started to push the door softly with his shoulder.

"Jason, stop! Just leave." Trinity exclaimed.

"Trinity move." he said, simply and she did because she knew that he was strong enough to open the door all the way.

She nervously started patting down her wild looking hair, and gripping her robe closer together.

Jason stepped inside and closed the door behind him. He looked at her and shook his head. He couldn't understand how she let him do this to her.

"Now, what's up?"

"Ain't nothing up, I just want to be alone. Can you leave?" she said, rolling her eyes at him.

"Nope, your ass need a friend." he said, looking into her sad eyes. "And I'm not leaving anytime soon."

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