H o l d Y o u D o w n - 13

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                                                                        H o l d Y o u D o w n - 13

"I had enough of running wild. I'm switching out my whole lifestyle." - Joe, "Don't Wanna Be A Player"

Within twenty minutes she was back home and parked her car in the driveway.

She opened the front door and softly heard the TV playing. She walked to the living room and didn't see Chance.

Trinity thought he was probably upstairs sleep so, she started making her way towards the staircase. She made her way upstairs and went straight to the bedroom to be met with emptiness.

Trinity was slightly disappointed, he was wasn't there, but she started slowly smiling when she was three designer boxes on the bed.

She walked over to the bed and first picked up the little white card that was on top of a Christian Dior box.

She read the card and couldn't help herself, but to smile. He told her that he had her outfit picked out for her already and a driver was going to pick her up around nine.

Trinity pulled her phone out her bag to see that it was already going on eight-thirty, knowing she didn't have a lot of time for what she wanted to do.

Trinty had no clue how she was going to take a shower and not mess up her new hair style.

As fast as she could, Trinity took off all her clothes, and had put on two shower caps. She had to take a ten minute shower and she hurried and lotion up her body.

Trinity slowly open up the Gucci box and pull out a red dress that's was sleeveless, and had a deep v line cut that she knew she had to go bra-less.

She slowly put on the dress and loved on it felt. She walked over to the mirror and loved how the red made her skin look so flawless and breast was looking round and plump.

Trinity walked back over to the bed and open the Christian Louboutin box to see a pair of red high heels.

She slipped sat on the bed and quickly slipped on the shoes, they were a perfect fit but she knew her was going to be killing her at the end of the night. Trinity opened the bright blue Tiffany box and it was an all white diamond necklace in the box, she took the necklace out the box and place it around her neck.

Trinity went to look at the clock on the night stand and saw she only had about ten mintues left. She quickly went over to her vanity mirror and slowly took off her shower caps.

Her hair was still in place like she had just left the beauty salon and Trinity was happy about that.

After applying a little bit of makeup, Trinity started hearing a horn outside. It was her day and she wasn't about to rush.

Trinty got one of her black handbags and dumped her phone, keys, and some money in it before she walked outside the house.

She locked the door behind her as turned around to see a silver hummer limo in front of her driveway and Chance standing next to it with a big kool-aid smile of his face.

Trinity walked slowly towards him, surprised. "You didn't have to go all out."

Chance pulled Trinity into a hug and kissed the top of her forehead before he spoke. "Baby, you deserve the best."

Trinity stepped out of his hold to see what he was wearing. He was looking sexy rocking all white from his shirt, to his pants, shoes and his snapback. He did have a stud earring in his ear, a diamond studded out watch, and a cross chain around his neck.

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