TWENTY| the next day, february 1, 2068

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An alarm went off making me jump out of the bed in panic. I watched as Marc reached under his bed and got his toothbrush. The doors clicked, allowing us to leave, and he left. My eyes blinked to the clock, it read six in the morning, time to get up. I got my crutches and went after Marc to walk with him. Officers surrounded us left and right making sure we don't have a panic attack, or either they're making sure we don't run away. One girl had a panic attack right when she walked out of the door. It scared me half to death!

I kept my head down as people started to watch me, it's always me, the new boy, the bloody Tomlinson. I walked into the bathroom, which every guy and girl on this floor uses. I saw the toothbrushes lying out on the counter, and everyone grabbed one without looking. They use random toothbrushes? I'm going to have to find a clean one, so I skipped brushing my teeth and I headed straight to the showers. I didn't have a toiletry bag like everyone else, I felt left out in a bathroom full of people like me. I walked to the bathroom cabinet and grabbed a towel. I went into an empty shower and closed the curtain. Showering was terrifying. I took a very quick one and dried off before someone could open my curtain and start showering.

I ran out of my shower and went into a bathroom stall to get dressed. I slipped the uniform on again and pushed my wet hair back. I looked for Marc but I couldn't find him. I walked around the bathroom twice, but I saw no sign of him. Maybe he was showering? Maybe be was in the toilets? I hope he's close because I don't know anyone other than him.

"Well, well look what the doctor brought in, Louis Tomlinson."

I turned around to see a girl who looked much too familiar. "Who are you?"

"Don't remember me?" She chuckled. "You remember my sister, but not I?"

She looked oddly familiar and spoke with a different of accent. I couldn't think of who she might be. "Who is your sister?"

"Cut the crap," the girl growled. "You think you're so big and bad. You got my sister killed! You did! Out of all people, I would've thought you would spare a damned soul!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about," I stuttered. "I'm sorry!"

She took a couple steps towards me. Her wet hair covering her face messily as she spoke.

"You got her killed. She was only twelve years old, Louis. It's all your fault. Stay away from me unless you want to end up like her," the girl threatened.

​I backed away from her. I certainly didn't know that girl, and I sure as bloody hell don't know what I did or didn't do to her sister. I bit down on my tongue to keep the panic from arriving. I let my eyes roam around to search for Marc, but he was still nowhere to be seen. No one else was watching our little fight as the girl shook her head.

"Don't run away now," she growled walking up to me and grabbing the front of my shirt. "It's too late for running. You're at your lowest point now, you have nowhere to run."

"Let me go," I growled feeling my temper rise.

"Someone's is easily triggered," the girl smirked evilly. "Are you going to kill me too?"

​Immediately, my mind went to Harry Styles. I didn't kill him, but she reminds me of him. She and Harry are much alike. I wasn't going to panic, though. I wasn't going to have an attack in front of everyone in here. I peeled off the girls hands from my body and walked away. I saw Marc just getting out of the showers with his clothes on, and his short, thin hair wet. I immediately ran to him and grabbed his arm. His eyes widen with fear, so I let go of him but stayed near the boy. I can't make it through this alone, whether he talks or not.

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