Chapter 5

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******That is not August Alsina's real house I just wanted the house to be bigger and better than his real house so I picked a pretty one******

August POV

I carried ha in the house and into one of my guess rooms and went back to da car to get our bags and came back in to Melanie standing there looking mad as fuck. Why everybody gotta be mad at me today mayne damn!

"Who's bags are those is there another bitch in her August where the fuck is she!"

"Chill out mayne and stop yelling she sleep"I took the bags to Amiya room,with angry and loud as hell Melanie right behind me and of course she woke Amiya up. Damn she get on my damn nerves!

" Get the hell up bitch,get to shit and leave"Amiya sat up and looked so confused at why she was yelling at her

"Chill beybeh this is my daughter Amiya Alsina she good I wouldn't cheat on you girl" Melanie looked so stupid so she left the room

"Is that your little bitch" Amiya said annoyed

"Yes and she not a bitch ,sorry she woke you up go back to sleep" I was about to walk out when she stopped me

"I can't go back to sleep can we just like watch a movie or something" she grabbed my arm"Please Daddy "she gave me the cutest puppy dog face and I gave in

" ugh fine come on"I showed her around the house first and then we watched 'Boys In The Hood' and after that went off we watched 'House Party' Melanie came downstairs and sat in between me and Amiya and a nigga got mad as fuck at how she was bitching

"What the fuck is you doing bitch" Amiya got up

"Who the fuck you calling a bitch you the one this is my man"

"And that's my daddy so what you jealous for it ain't like we doin' something damn you need to chill the fuck out"

"Bitch don't talk to me like that this is my house and I can do whatever the hell I want to"I jumped up when she said that

" Gurl to name ain't on the lease this ain't you house I just let yo ass live here and I can escort you out anytime it needed dat is my daughter and she has a right to get to know me she hasn't seen me in 17 years and she 18 so we need to get to know each other and you kinda making it hard for us to do dat so chill"Melanie punched Miya to da ground and I wanted ta slap da shit out this bitch

"You a fucking thot fuck you ass" Amiya started crying and it looked like M broke ha nose and nigga took dat shit ta heart wit dat being my daughter

"Bitch get da fuck out my house now and don't come crawling back to a nigga cause you a fucking hoe go back ta dat nigga Darian but you can't stay here bye bitch get da fuck out now!" I ran up to Amiya room and saw all da blood on da floor and freaked out

I picked her up and went downstairs and got a roll of paper towels and could fell all of da blood going thru my shirt and rushed to my Jeep and put her in then we were off to da hospital.

~ At The Hospital (10:36) ~

Amiya POV

After that bitch Melanie punched me all I could do was cry cuz I was for sure that she had broken my nose. I wish Jalissa and Kelsey were here they would beat that bitches ass for breaking my nose😈 August came back in and saw all the blood on the floor and he was in a panic while I sat there and cried then he picked me up and went downstairs in the kitchen and got a roll of paper towels then we go in his car and drove to the hospital. Once we got there people at the front desk didn't give August time to explain cause they saw all the blood and I was starting to fell dizzy.

They put me on a bed and rolled me to the emergency room and Aug followed but my eyes started closing and I couldn't breath.

"Stay with us baby can you do that for me" I shook my head no

"Oh God,baby came you breath at all " I shook my head no again and they started running and that was all I remembered.

August POV

When Amiya's eyes closed I thought I had lost her so my body just stopped me in my tracks and I thought out loud something I only did when it came down to someone I truly cared about.

"Ugh this is all my fault I should've never left her like that what the fuck is wrong with me why do I make the worst decisions why can't I just have stayed in ha life" I fell to the ground and cried until 2 nurses came over and took me to the waiting room and told me to call anyone and everyone that I could to come down here and get her information cause damn well I didn't know nothing about ha so the first person I called was ha mom

"Hey August how's Amiya"she sounded so happy

" She's in da hospital and you need to come down here immediately cause they can't do noting unless dey got ha info and I don't know a lot of this shit I'm at Atlanta Central it should take about a hour to get here so just answer the questions cause I got da paper right here"

"Oh my God,okay I'm on my way go ahead and ask away baby". What she just call me!!!

" ight....."I asked her all da questions and gave it to da lady at da desk and told B da directions to da hospital and she came wit police escorts. Wow that was 35 minutes and she already here

"Hey Aug where is she"

"They just started operating on her I already called Jalissa ,Kelsey and Nick they all coming down here for her"

~5 Hours Later (3:00 a.m.) ~

Jalissa,Kelsey,Trevor,Odel,Nick,Blue and Beyoncé are here in da watin' room wit me and they all think it my fault dat dis shit happening like a nigga did dis on purpose to his own flesh and blood hell nah mayne I wouldn't dare to hurt my family like dis.

"Family of Amiya Alsina" we all got up Nick and B along wit Blue were at da front Jalissa,Trevor,Kelsey, and Odel was in da middle and I would rather be at da back of the group as we walked to ha room

We made it to her room and there were machines everywhere around ha and  everybody started to cry while I silently cryed behind my shade's

"She is in a coma for who knows how long she passed out during the procedure and never woke back up so Mr.Alsina since you brought her you can stay as long as you want and any of you can too but he has to be present if its pass visiting hours okay" we all nodded and she walked out

~ 2 Months Later ~

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