>Unraveling<> Chapter 8 <

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Ps, I gave Chan an OOTD because why not.

Sam's POV

"What the fuck Tom!?" I yelled as Jason's body dropped to the ground. Blood started putting faster and faster from the skin on his head that had busted apart.

"It was either he ran away and snitched or we shut him up." Tom said, dropping the block on the side of him that wasn't occupied by Jason's body.

"We need to stop the damn bleeding! We can't have his death in our hands!" I yelled at him, panicking as I looked around the room, frantically trying to find something to place over the gash. There was nothing except for Anna's shirt which I carried downstairs when we brought Chandler and Anna downstairs just minutes ago and tied them up, giving them sleeping pills so that they would pass out.

I ran over to the shirt on the ground and picked it up, turning back around immediately and walking it over to Jason's limp body.

"Go find some extra ropes." I commanded Tom who complied and walked over to the closet in the corner where we kept spare supplies. I scrunched the shirt up and pressed it against the wound. Tom walked back over to me with a price of rope that I used to tie his ankles together. "Get me two more pieces." I ordered him to do. "He must've reached down to his ankles from behind and untied the rope. We will need to tie his ankles to something that is away from his hands and vice versa." I muttered to myself.

Tom walked over to me holding two more pieces of rope. I scanned the room in attempt to find a place to tie his ankles and a place to tie his wrists. Melissa was tied to the pre-made wall ties so I couldn't use that. Chandler and Anna were just laying on the ground, Chandler was in just rope but Anna had the metal weight on her ankles so we could keep her downstairs along with Melissa and Rebeca later. Speaking of Rebeca, where did she go after Chandler, Jason, and Anna had broken in.

"Tom, have you seen Rebeca?" I asked him, diverting my eyes from the area around me and now having them look towards Tom's head. He turned around to look at me, pure shock and worry on his face. I heard him mutter the word "shit," under his voice, so quiet that I could barely hear it.

"Tom you mother fucker!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, standing up from Jason's body and running up the stairs as Tom followed right behind me.

Rebeca's POV

"Oh my god! Rebeca where have you been?" My roommate Kenna asked, almost yelled, as I ran in the door of our room.

"The brothers," I panted, walking over to her bed where she was sitting as I began to explain to her what had happened as the tears began pouring down my face. "They drugged me at a party and took me to an abandoned barn in the woods behind the holding house. They've got Melissa, Jason's girlfriend too. Chandler, Jason, and Anna all went out to find her and Sam and Tom have them all locked up in the basement. I set off a firework that I found to create a distraction and ran for it." I sob, taking a seat on my bed since I was exhausted from running the long distance.

"Well shit, we can't go out on our own since they'll probably just lock us up too. We need to go tell the front desk lady or something so she can call the police." Kenna said, trying to find ideas off the top of her head. I nodded and we made our way down to the front office together.

"Rebeca!" The front desk lady yelled as she saw me enter from the stairway. "Where have you been, sweetie?" She asked as me and Kenna walked up to the desk.

"Do you know Sam and Tom?" Kenna asked her frantically.

"Oh goodness, what have they done to her?" The lady asked, walking around and out from the front desk.

"It's not just her," Kenna began. "They have Melissa, Anna, Jason, and Chandler all locked up in a barn out in the woods behind us."

"Stacy, call the cops now!" The lady commanded Stacy to do. Stacy nodded her head and ran over to the phone on the counter and slammed down on three buttons then picked up the phone and placed it against her ear.

"Yes, this is Stacy Kane, I work at the local orphanage. I would like to report a kidnapping and possible rape."

Chandler's POV

I woke up next to Anna who was still sleeping. My hands were bound behind my back and my ankles had been tied together. Melissa was still strapped to the wall and unconscious and Anna was laying beside me, unconscious as well. Sam and Tom must've given them more of the sleeping pills...

Anna had been tied up just like me but she had the metal ball strapped to her ankles. Her breathing began to hitch and her eyes finally popped open as she sat up and began panting.

"It's ok," I said, twisting myself around so that I was facing her. "Sam and Tom are gone, we'll find a way out of here and help Melissa out too." I said in attempt to calm her down.

"But that won't erase what they did to me when you and Jason were gone and I was tied up against a wall." She said, beginning to cry slightly as she looked up at me. "Chandler, what if they come back?" She asked, her voice cracking slightly.

"They won't." I assured her. "They will be in a place far far away from here. Far far away from you..." I trailed off. She closed her eyes and nodded her head.

Sirens became audible close by. "It's the police." I said, a smile growing on my face. "It's the police!" I cried louder and louder, beginning to laugh. "Anna, the cops are gonna come and get us out of here, okay?" I spoke, my attention being drawn back towards her.

I heard rustling behind me and turned around to see that Melissa has woken up but had no reaction to her current state of being, tied up against a wall in a barn cellar, hearing sirens close by. The sirens grew louder and louder until they seemed to be right above us.

"Is anyone in here?" I heard a man yell from above.

"Under the trapdoor!" I yelled as loud as I could as I heard footsteps coming from the main level. The door began to rise as the bright light of a flashlight shined through the crack and directly into my eyes.

"Well, we've found 'em." The police man said as he pulled the door the rest of the way open and began to walk down the steps, three or four other cops following behind him.

"Me and Officer Roberts will untie the captives." I heard a female voice say as two people stayed downstairs while the rest walked back up.

"You kids must be scarred forever." A man who I assumed was Sheriff Roberts murmured as the untied the restraints on my ankles and wrists.

"You've got one thing straight." I said standing up and walking over to Anna and beginning to untie the rope that was on her wrists and ankles, then grabbing a knife from the closet in the corner and using it to cut off the zip ties that were keeping the weight on her ankles. I took her hands in mine and helped her stand up and opening my mouth as I began to speak.

"Some people are just sick."

Sorry for the kinda ish short chapter😁😁 I don't really have much to say but I wanted to let y'all know that I'm gonna try to start building up the #Andler relationship in the next couple of chapters


Bye loves,
Macy <3

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