>Calm<> Chapter 11 <

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Three weeks after the court hearing

(The circles in the OOTD are tunnels for Anna's ear spacings)

Anna's POV

"Hey babe. Wake up." Chandler said in a deep morning voice, shaking my arm in order to wake me up.

"M'kay. Thank you for starting to set an alarm on you phone a couple minutes before that damned clock that is nailed to the table's alarm goes off." I said for about the five millionth time.

"No problem." He laughed, getting out of the bed and stretching his shoulders. My eyes followed him as he walked into the bathroom to get ready like he does every morning.

I dropped my head back down on the pillow and finally got out of bed when the actually clock alarm went off.

"Dumb piece of shit." I murmured, standing up and slamming my hand down of the plastic box and stumbling into the bathroom where a shirtless Chandler stood brushing his hair.

"Put on a fucking shirt." I mumble at him, snatching my hair brush up from the counter and beginning to brush out my hair.

"Well Anna, I would. But I know that you know that I know that neither of us actually want that." He smirked at me, leaning in and kissing me on the cheek before walking out of the bathroom and into the actually bedroom area.

"You know, it's been exactly two weeks since we became a proper thing." Chandler yelled from the bed which caused me to let out a slight laugh do to his use of the wording.

"You are very correct." I smiled, walking out of the bathroom and over to my bag where I had my clothes stored. Chandler sat on the bed playing games on his phone and looking up at me every one in a while whilst I changed clothes.

"You know, you could at least try to be secretive when you stare at me while I change." I told him, laughing slightly as I slid on my hoodie and plopped myself down on the bed next to him.

"Well I obviously know that I'm staring and you obviously don't give a shit so what's the point?" He asked, shrugging his shoulders as he stood up and walked over to the door. "You ready?" He asked, opening the door.

"Ugh." I groaned, standing up from the bed and walking over to him and walking straight through the door. I turned around and saw him smiling at me and closing the door behind him.

"Why are you so damn sarcastic and peppy this morning?" I asked as I stopped walking a popped my hip out and gave him a stare with my eyebrows raised.

"You, my dear, will find the answer to that question tonight." He smiled, walking up to me and taking one of my hands in his.

"Oh you mother fucker." I mumbled as a smile grew across my face.

"Sorry for getting you a damn surprise on what could be considered a milestone." He said, seeming slightly offended and dragging out the "o" in sorry.

"I'm not mad, I'm just a sarcastic bitch." I explain to him to him as we enter the cafeteria.

"What's new?" He breathes before letting go of my hand and going to sit down while I get food. I've been noticing that the only meal Chandler's been eating recently is lunch, he never eats breakfast or dinner and he's been getting noticeably thinner. I decided I would confront him about it when we got back to our room after we ate instead of here in front of his friends.

Fifteen minutes later

"So, any plans today?" Chandler asked as we entered the room. The same old dull sheets and same tan chipped wallpaper was becoming all too boring.

"Nothing so far." I sighed, laying down on my bed as Chandler laid down behind me and pressed his chest against my back. "Why do you never eat breakfast or dinner?" I asked him as fast as I possibly could. I heard him gulp and change his position slightly.

"I uh-I don't- I don't really like the food." He said slowly and drawn out like he was at a loss of words and he was making something up which I highly assumed he was but I decided to let it slip.

"Oh, okay." I said, trying to make it seem like I believed him and I think I succeeded. " I think I might take a nap. I'm really tired." I told him, yawning in between sentences and scooting slightly more downwards on the bed and nuzzling my head in the crook of his neck. I felt his warm arm wrap around my waist and pulling me closer to him and I fell asleep soon after.

Two hours later

I woke up a couple hours later, still wrapped in Chandler's arms. I felt him shuffle behind me and I assumed he was awake.

"Hey Anna." He said, kissing me on the cheek before sitting up on the bed. I began to wonder how long he had been awake. "Don't worry, I've only been up for about 5 minutes." He told me as if he were reading my mind as I set up on the bed and let out a yawn. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me in for a small hug.

I hop out of bed and change into some new clothes because for some reason I felt like I should dress cute today. (I'll put a pic of what she changes into in the next chapter) I look over my shoulder ever once in a while and see Chandler looking at me, but I just shrug it off and continue getting dressed. Once I'm finished, I plop right back down on the bed exactly where I was before I got up.

I looked over to the clock to see what time it was, the clock read 10:56 am. "Do you want to go on some adventures?" Chandler asked, jumping off of the bed and walking over to the end of the bed and sitting down on his knees so that his neck was level with the top of the sheets.

"I will if you tell me what this adventure is." I said teasingly, moving down to the bottom of the bed and crossing my legs as I started into his eyes.

"Well, this isn't the adventure but why don't we start with this." Chandler told me as he stood up on his feet and placed a knee on the bed for support as he pressed his lips against mine. I put one of my arms behind me and slowly lowered myself onto the bed as Chandler hovered over me.

I heard the creaky door to our room open and almost slam shut about two seconds later but I didn't care and assume Chandler didn't either because he didn't pull away one bit, if anything he just got closer to me.

"Now why don't we go to our little adventure." He smirked as he pulled away from me and hopped off the bed, taking my hand in his as we ran over to the door. "Well, here we go."

Yes I also know this chapter is kinda short but hey, it's longer than my last update which was reeeeaaaallllyyy short.


Bye loves,
Macy <3

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