Car crash

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You just picked yours and Jack's son up from soccer practice. You where on your way home when a big 18 wheeler swerves into your lane. You try to avoid hitting it but it's to late. The truck hits right into you. You go unconscious.
                      Jacks POV
I was in the studio with Jack when our assistance Debbie comes in. "Um Jack Johnson there is a family emergency." She says. Me and Jack look at each other. "What's wrong?" I ask, panic in my voice. "Err (y/n) had been in a car accident." She said. A million things run through my head. What if she died, did she have (y/s/n) your sons name
I can't survive without her! Jack gives me a look of sadness. Her and Jack are best friends. He introduced (Y/N) to me. I quickly grab my things and run to the car. I get in and speed off to the hospital. I run to the front desk as fast as I can. " (y/n)... (Y/n) Johnson.Is she ok." I ask out of breath. "Ummm she is in surgery. That's all I know." The girl behind the front desk says. "How about (y/s/n) Johnson?" I ask. "Yes, he's fine. He only has a concussion. He's in room 457." She said. "Thank you so much." I said and quickly go to (y/s/n) room. When I open the door I see (y/s/n). "Hey baby boy." I say. "Hi daddy." He says. "What happened?" I asked. "Well this really  big truck hit our car. Mom flew out of her seat through the window shield. That's all I remember. Is mommy ok?" He asks. "Well umm mommy is in surgery. You'll be able to see her soon." I say. "But I want to see mommy now." he says starting to cry. "Baby mommy will be out of surgery soon. Then you'll be able to see her." I say. "Will she be ok?" He asks. "I really hope so buddy. I really hope so." I say. "Come lay with me." He says. I get up out of my chair and lay next to (y/s/n). you lay there awile before you start to fall asleep.

                                                                                3 Hours later

I start to feel a tapping on my arm so I slowly start to  open my eyes. A nurse is standing above me. "Umm your wife is out of surgery. If you want to go see her." She says. "Ok can (y/s/n) come too?" I ask. "yes, there is a bed that is net to her's that he can stay in. I'll Go get a wheelchair for him." she says. "Ok." A few minutes later she comes back and i wake up (y/s/n). I weel him down the hall to (Y/N)'s room. She is hooked up to a bunch of machines. "Daddy why is mommy hooked up to all those machines?" (y/s/n) asks. "Umm I dont know." I say looking at the nurse. "Those machines are giving your mom superpowers." The nurse said. "Really!" (y/s/n) says with a smile. "Yeah!" She says smileing down at him. "Thank you." I say. "No problem." She say leaving the room. (y/s/n) sit nson the bed net to (y/n). He falls back asleep. There is so many machines. Theres one going down her throat helping her breathe,a heart monator to mak esure her heart is still beating. THis is so scary. I grab her hand and hold it putting my head down on the bed crying. "Baby i can't do this by myself. (y/s/n) needs a mom. I need you. I cant live with out you. You are my everything. my world, my universe, my everything." I say. Then suddenly her heart stops and her whole body starts to shake. Doctor rush into the room. I grab (y/s/n) before the monators wake him up. My whole body start goes numb. Everything seems to go by in slow motion. I can see into (y/n) room. Theres mutipule doctor try to resesatate her. The loud beeping suddenly stops. The regular beeeping of her heart starts again. "Oh my god." I say. The doctors clear out of the room and we go back in. I sit (y/s/n) back where he was. "(y/n) you cant do that. i cant lose you." I say taking her hand back in mine. My phone buzzes so I cheak it. It Jack.

G- Are they ok?

J- (y/s/n) Is fine he just has a cuncutioin, but (Y/n) just coaded. They resesatated her. can you come down

G- yeah I'll be down in 20

J- ok

I suddenly think about (y/n) parents. They live in New York. I should call them.

                                                   J for Jack and M for your mom

M- Hello

J- Hi, I have something to tell you

M- Umm ok

J- (y/n) and (y/s/n) Got in a car acident. (y/s/n) is fine, but (y/n) just coaded. The doctors resesatated her. She's hooked up to a bunch a machines.

M- Me and (y/d/n) *Your  dads name* will catch the next flight to california.

J- ok go pack bye (y/m/n) *Your moms name*

M- ok bye Jack

Soon Jack is here with me. "I dont know what I woukd do if she died." I said. "I don't know either. She's my best friend." Jack said. "Daddy why did the machines beep really loud while I was asleep?" (y/s/n) asks. "Well her heart stopped but the doctor fixed it." I said. "Is she still getting her superpowers?" He asks. "Yes, soon mommy will be ok and we will be able to go home."

                                                                        3 weeks later  

(y/n)'s parents got here 2 weeks ago. Jack has been very helpful taking (y/s/n) out places to get his mind off of things. The doctors said that (y/n) might wake up soon. When she does she wont be able to talk because when she flew out of the window she broke her jaw and they had to wire it shut. (y/n) are in the cafeteria getting food, and Jack to (y/s/n) to the park. So I'm here by myself. I'm laying on the bed next to (y/n)'s. I soon start to fall asleep.

   I wake up, and (y/n) is sitting up on her phone. Her parents are net to her. (y/m/n) is reading a book, and (y/d/n) is reading a newspaper. (y/s/n) is laying net to her sleeping. It takes a minute to relize that she is awake. "(y/n)!" I say. She shakes her head up and down. The tube helping her breathe was taken out last week when she started breatheing on her own. Her heart monator is still hooked up to her and beeping. "Oh my god your awake." I say. (y/m/n) hands her a dry erase board and a marker. Yes she wrote with an exclimation mark.

                                                                               1 week later 

Esactly a month afteer she was admited we got to go home. (y/n) can now talk becaus her jaw isn't broken anymore. "You ready to go home babe." I ask her. "yeah I've only really been here a week, and It's ddriving me insane.' She says. "I hear ya. It gets reeally boring afteer awhile. We get the rest of our stuff packed up and the nure come to our room with a wheelchair. She sits down in it, and the nurse wheels her to the car. I carry mine and (y/n) bags and (y/s/n) carries his. We put all the stuff in the trunk and leave to go back home. I thank god everyday that I didn't lose thee loves of my life.


Holy shit! I stayed up till one in the frigging morning to get this done. I will update as soon as I can. Love you all <3

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