Have you ever noticed how boys are allowed to do things that girls are not? This irritates me but after thinking about the last thought I realized that nobody wants to read a rant. I will try to be civil because if you know me then you know I can go off like a dog on a rabbit trail.
As you may have guessed by the last thought, I like football, and I am a girl. I am in a lot of Arts clubs, groups, ensembles, etc. I would do quite a bit to be allowed to play football. My school will not let me play football because I am a girl. What is so wrong about girls playing football? Boys can cheer, be in band front, and play field hockey. Why can we not have on one amazing sport that is 'meant for boys' that let girls play too? Would it be wrong to pretend to be a boy so I can play football? The thing is that I should not even have to come up with insane ideas to do something I love just because of my gender. This is the twenty first century people. Girls and boys are equal.
Author's note: I updated Thought 2 yesterday so you may want to go back and reread that. I am going by votes now but will randomly update if I feel like a lot of people are reading. I don't know if ya'll are enjoying this, though if you do not vote. Thanks!
Just Thinking
RandomDo you ever sit and think about things that you know will never be said aloud? They make perfect sense, but then what would people think about you? Is it simple philosophy that will never lead to as anything? Maybe I am just thinking...