September 7th, 1958

36 1 0

Audio Transcript – 'Fontaine'

[There are times when you don't need Doors or Tears to see the future. Such is the case with Frank Fontaine. It's likely that if and when someone finds these audio diaries, that man will be sitting comfortably at the pinnacle of Rapture's social hierarchy. Andrew Ryan may have founded Rapture, but in light of a lack of progeny, I believe Fontaine has his eye on the inheritance. He is charismatic, intelligent... and the most ruthless man I've ever met. I shudder to think what he would do to me if... regardless, while his patronage comes with considerable risk, it is not without its benefits. Fontaine's name opens many doors in Rapture, doors even I cannot see. I just fear what I may find behind them.]

"Goddammit! The supplies need to be shipped to laboratory, not to damn library!"

Elizabeth pretended to concentrate on the books. But with the racket Yi Suchong was making, even if Elizabeth wasn't trying to eavesdrop, ignoring him would have been exceptionally difficult.

"Look, Dr. Suchong," Suchong's assistant –– the man's name was Marcel Raghnall –– glanced around the Mendel Memorial Library to make sure they weren't overheard; Elizabeth ducked behind the bookshelf, "we're playing a dangerous game, see? I don't know how I feel about your parts coming to Point Prometheus at all. This here is Fontaine's patch... bastard will have our guts for garters if he knew you were contracting out to Andrew Ryan––"

"Suchong well aware of Fontaine," snapped Dr. Suchong. "Fontaine scary son of a bitch, but Ryan and Gilbert Alexander cheap sons of bitches. Who are they hiring for such errands? Sinclair? Suchong cannot be expected to work under these conditions."

"I don't reckon Ryan or Fontaine banked on you working for the two of them at the same time, guv, each without the other knowing."

"No." Suchong seemed to calm down. "No. Both men desperate. They need Suchong. With the little brats going missing, Fontaine need fresh supplies of ADAM and Ryan need jump on Fontaine. I play cards right, this could be very good for Suchong."

"What about Tenenbaum? She's beginning to suspect something. You don't need rivet guns and helmets to map out nucleotide sequences and all. What if that Yid decides to tell Fontaine about the diving suits, the gene splicing, the grafting... or if any dick, tom, or harry starts asking questions about that lad Johnny Topside. We got a lot of loose ends, Dr. Suchong. Tenenbaum is the least of 'em."

Suchong's expression soured. "Tenenbaum. Quite a little monster Fontaine's dug up. Disgusting woman. Suchong would prefer she stay scarce. Fortunately, she seems content to spend her time with her dirty little brats in the genetics laboratory. Suchong has wider prospects. Ryan may be cheap son of a bitch, but he knows market. He can sell the Little Sisters as commodity, as luxury, while Fontaine simply sticks ADAM in dirty needles."

Marcel nodded. "There's hypos littering the streets of Rapture. There's just something about jabs that rubs people the wrong way. And if the Little Sisters keep going missing––"

"Then Suchong must find alternative method of producing ADAM..."

"They ain't thin on the ground yet, Dr. Suchong. The Little Sisters are vanishing, but there's still plenty of tykes to go around, what with the orphanage and all. Apollo Square is just about crawling with abandoned young-uns."

Suchong shook his head. "Soon, Ryan will move against Fontaine. Suchong suspect Fontaine's days are numbered. There are plenty of little girls, but there are plenty of dead people in Rapture, too."

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