Alex Hamilton's phone call changed my life

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Alex Hamilton s phone call changed my life  


Asmath Sabira  

Amina Azmath  

Mohammad Faiz Ali  

Copyright © 2013 by Mohammad Faiz Ali & Amina Azmath  

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.  


How do some people live such self less lives?  

How and when do they accept other s pain as theirs? When and how does this transition happen?  

In our traditions, they say, you should know you are a chosen one of God, when every moment, in your heart is rising a sea of kindness and love and desire to love and help everyone around you.  

How does this sea come to be?  

What pushes them to decide to make a difference? To make a difference to the lives of others ?  

The others that people like me don t even think about! The others we see around but do not recognize!  

We see the same world that these people do. The difference is in the way we see it. We see it like what we could gain from the world. They see it like what the world could gain from them.  

Dec 11th 2006  

I have never been this restless ever in my life.  

The suspense is killing me. I cant wait for 4 pm. I am shivering in excitement and anticipation, a bit of anxiety too.  

My heart is pounding faster than ever. Innumerable thoughts are crowding in my mind.  

The mere mention of my mother on a phone is making me anxious,  

How can anybody know my mother? Here in England, in a land so far away from her own. A land she never visited.  

How can anybody have belongings of my mother?? How?? What can they be?  

Was it really a British ascent???  

No doubt it was??  

he said his name was Alexander Hamilton.  

A string of endless questions are arising within me.  

Human mind can be tricky some times. At times when time is the only solution, it behaves as if; it is in race with the time itself.  

Such is the state of my mind,  

A unique feeling, very strange to me, something of this nature that I have never felt before.  

Knowing time will unveil my answers, which is at least an hour from now; my restlessness is increasing even more with each passing second.  

Not long ago did I receive a phone call. A phone call from a complete stranger asking for me. His words are still buzzing in my head..  

At first I was puzzled at this bold, unfamiliar, British voice asking whereabouts of my mother. What startled me even more was the tone in which it was delivered, with such an intense respect and honour, the owner of that voice certainly seemed to know my mother.  

I have wondered enough how could it be, because my mother had never visited this part of the world. I can do nothing else but wait. And it isn t easy.  


It is a cold, gloomy Sunday morning outside. There is nothing uncommon about the weather for this part of the year. Plus it is drizzling making it the perfect December in London.  

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