The Crying Child

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I watched everything happen. I died,Robin died. I was devastated. It happened so quickly. I woke up to a room of confused teens. Megan was sobbing and Conner was trying to console her. Robin came and hugged me. Apparently Megan had over-doused our training sending me into a shock state that could not be stopped. Me and Robin promised never to leave each others side no matter what happened. I just stood there going over my training and I realised I was letting my emotions fill me. I started to glow a hot pink and my hair changed colors. I tried to stop but couldn't. My body was glowing brighter. Robin let go as I floated into the air. My eyes glowed. Luckily the lanterns were there to put a green bubble around me before I blew the cave up. After my shock ride as a full purple lantern I froze. Tears cascaded down my face. Robin picked me up and carried me to my room. I stayed in there for days. I didn't know what happened but I knew it was due to me failing to control my emotions. Everything went black. I woke up to a cloud of energy around my body. I stiffed not knowing what to do. My powers were building fast. I knew I was going to blow. I built a bubble around me and started weeping where no one heard me. I cried and cried not wanting to face reality. I weeped until my bubble was filled with tears. I couldn't stop. Then Robin came in and I released my bubble. He came and calmed me down. I knew I had to leave my room and talk to Canary because of my emotion state. Robin got me something to eat. I just moved my food around not hungry. What Robin and the team saw was my state of shut down. I finally ate and realized I was hungry. I finished my first serving and got more. After my seventh serving I was full. Robin was happy to see me finally eat and called everyone to the cave. They were as happy as I was that I was out of that state. I ran to my room and got Zatanna to get all of the tears and water out of my room. I then got my favorite outfit to wear to a party at Gotham Academy. Dick was taking me to this little dance at his school and took me as his partner. I choose a very dark purple gown that I got in Happy Harbor and put on some black flats. I changed my hair color to deep purple. Then I zeta'd to Gotham and Dick picked me up. "Wow you out did yourself big time" was all he said. "You like?" I questioned. "Well not what I was expecting but you are stunning." When we got there I felt out of place. "I don't feel right here." I mumbled feeling eyes land on us. When we entered I felt Klarion's presence and stopped in my tracks. "Well if it isn't Twiddle Dee and Twiddle dum." Why would he do that? I raced to the bathrooms and changed while everyone was watching Klarion. Robin did the same. We called for back up. I got my dark purple daggers ready. Robin took his fighting stance and told everyone toget down. I put force field around the civilians and Klarion. I focused all my energy to protect the people not realizing my strength was increasing. I took a breath and I went bomb mode. I made sure Klarion got all the power though it felt like I was beaten up from the blast I made. Klarion got sent back home to the witch world. And Robin and I changed back and enjoyed the company of each other.

Hey guys so this was off the top off my head. It was based off of the episode of where Megan took the training exercise and everyone went into a coma when they died. 678 words.

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