Amberpaw's Travels

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   A long distance away from the clan territories, the river's currents churned slowly and lazily. The cold murky water splashed against the riverbank. Half hidden by a bundle of reeds, a dark ginger form laid on the sandy shore. Her tail was still dangling in the water, and her fur was drenched, leaving the small cat looking even smaller. Another cat crouched nearby, along with a larger one further behind. 

"Is it alive?" The black and white she-cat asked hesitantly, her ears flicking uncomfortably at the sight of the half drowned creature.

The older male shook out his solid black fur, a green collar jingling at the movement. "I can't tell, Abby! For all we know this could be an otter!" He mewed with excitement, his eyes lighting up, "Like how ol' Charlie used to tell us those stories of those creatures who lived in the water. I remember him saying how they woul-"

The she-cat cuffed him over the ears and rolled her eyes. "This is no otter, Oliver! It's a cat!" Abby hissed as she glanced back carefully at the shape, noticing the slight motion of its chest rising and falling. Padding forward cautiously, she flattened her ears before nudging the small shape. "It's a she-cat. Looks almost as young as a kitten," She noted before swiveling her head to look at Oliver. "Grab her, gently, perhaps our housefolk will know what to do," Abby meowed at him before turning and heading towards the looming Upwalker dens.

Oliver nodded. "I hope you're right, Abby," the tom murmured quietly. He leaned forward and picked up the bundle of fur in his mouth before trotting after her. "This kit is so cold!" He muttered through clenched teeth.

The dark ginger she-cat hung limply in his grasp, her breathing shallow and fast. 

Abby sighed, pausing to face him, "I suppose it would help to warm her up first, who knows how long this poor cat has been in the river," She meowed with sympathy.

The black tom set the soaked cat down by his paws and began to lap at her pelt, stroking his tongue upwards to dry the kit's fur. 

Abby settled down beside him and started licking at its head. The little she-cat began to stir under their steady movements, yet still remaining unconscious. 

   The white light was blinding as it shined into each eye. The strange upright creatures mumbled in a language that was unfamiliar. Being probbed with thin, long tendrils , there was a weird sensation as fluid was injected under her skin. Despite everything, she felt extremely calm, although her ears were ringing. She wanted to ask what the Twolegs were doing to her, but she felt too weak to make a sound. Blackness inclosed her vision once more.

   Amberpaw groaned and blinked open her eyes slowly as her vision came back. A white light revealed the area, showing the small den that she was placed in. A silver bramble covered one part of the den, while the other three sides were made of stone. Amberpaw inched her way slowly over to the bramble and attempted to bite it. The cold hardness of the bramble came as a shock to her as she bit down, and she flinched backwards.

"You won't have any luck with that method, it won't budge with you scraping at it," A voice chuckled across the area from her. 

Amberpaw stiffened, "Whom are you?" She asked the new cat warily, straining to see with the harsh white light shining down.

"The name's Cocoa," the she-cat snorted. "And I figured that you wouldn't want to loose a few teeth for nothin'." 

Amberpaw swiped a paw across the surface of the covering to test it, still surprised that something so thin could be so hard. "What is this silver bramble anyways?"

Cocoa gave a mrrow of laughter, "It's called metal!" She exclaimed, "At this point, it's obvious you aren't a house cat. Where ya from?"

"Riverclan," Amberpaw mewed proudly, then paused for a moment as she remembered the last memory of her home. She gasped, "Wait, what is this place? I need to leave right now!" Her voice shook with worry. Attempting to stand, her paws felt weaker than normal. A rush of dizziness and nausea made her vision dim unexpectedly.

"Riverclan? That's a weird name for a city.." Cocoa thought aloud, "Besides, the vet won't ya out until you're healed."

"Vet?! What kind of cat name is that!" Amberpaw questioned, her mind whirling with the new words. She sat down once more, unable to tolerate the pain. A groan escaped her throat.

She snorted again, "It's the name for one of the healing housefolk. They'll let ya out once you're better. From what I heard, you were practically dead when you came here."

Amberpaw didn't respond for a few heartbeats, 'My clan must think I am dead too then..' She thought miserably and curled up into a tight ball, her eyes blankly staring at the stone.

"Well, since you're sleeping now, might as well do the same," Cocoa muttered to herself before settling down, the sound of her nest crumpling as she positioned her body.

Amberpaw placed a forepaw over her face and closed her eyes, trying to ignore her head pounding. 'What have I done?'  Darkness soon took over and she drifted into a deep sleep.

    She awoke once more with a strange feeling around her neck. Amberpaw stiffened and scratched at it with her hind leg, but the Twoleg tendril wouldn't shake loose. Her ears flattened, 'This must be a collar!' She thought with horror, 'How dare they think I'm willing to be a kittypet!'

Lost in her angry thoughts and her attempts to remove the collar, Amberpaw didn't notice the Twoleg approach her den until it was practically ontop of her. Her eyes narrowed as its pink paw reached for her. Hissing, she gave a warning swipe at the bare flesh. The Twoleg mumbled something with surprise then grasped her scruff. Spitting with fury, Amberpaw was lifted out of the den and was placed in one that wasn't connected to stone. 

"Goodbye, Amberpaw!" Cocoa called from her own den, her brown and white pelt now visible through the metal bramble.

"Wait!" She called and pressed her face against the holes. "Where are they taking me! Help!" she yowled, her fur bristling as the Twoleg picked up her den and carried her away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2017 ⏰

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