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"Guys I don't wanna!" You say as they drag you in line for the "Hell-o Fuego Roller coaster" at the annual Central Florida fair. It's more of a deathly contraption ready to break apart from the amount of weight put on the cheap metal that supports the cart. I look up and see the big O. The screams erupt from people's mouths on the ride. You see the ride start up. It goes in a circle, probably 30 feet in the air from the very top. They make the complete circle and start up again and keep going in circles for a few more times. Finally the ride goes up again and stops upside down at the top. The people arms and loose shirts come down from the force of gravity pushing against them. The apples in the tree that are about to fall. Then the ride starts it's trek back down to the platform. Some of the faces coming out look sick, happy, or like a freaking alien attacked their asses also known as horror.

"Guys I don't wanna do this!" I protest to them once again. "I hate these kinds of rides in general. Especially at cheap amusement carnival places!"

"You'll be fine (Y/N)!" Jessa and Emma say at the same time.

"Whatever." You roll your eyes. "You guys suck. Just thought I'd tell you that before my death is caused by a tragic collapse of a hunk of metal is broken by a screw and the cart falls and we all die. So you guys suck. "

They both laugh at you. We move forward.

You're at the front of the line. You show your wrist bands and enter the contraption of death. You laugh at your joke silently.

Then a group of guys to your left of the line start talking to the person in charge of the ride. The guy nods his head. Letting them go through with out being in the actual line. They basically cut everyone. Why?

You get in front of the cart and you wait for Emma or Jessa to go in with you. But they both had already sat down by themselves.

"Sorry (Y/N)!" Emma says showing a sympathetic smile. I roll my eyes and go roughly into the seat. By myself. -.-

That's my exact expression.

"Can I sit here with you?" A voice says to my left.

I don't even bother looking up, irritated and ready to get off this as soon as it ends.

"Okay..." The person slides in and pulls the lap bar down.

"Is it too tight?" He asks wary.

"It's fine." I finally look over to him to at least offer a smile.

" No!" You start stuttering. Yes. Stuttering.

"Hi." He offers a hand shake.

Keep it cool girl. Keep it cool.

You reach up and shake his hand.

"Austin. " he smiles.

I just wanna melt right now!

"(Y/N)." That's when the ride starts up.

You're pulse starts up.

GET ME OFF! GET ME OFF! You scream in your mind.

"It's okay!" He says putting his hand over yours on the lap bar.

"Yeah. PFT. Okay." You roll your eyes laughing.

He laughs. And that's when you feel weightless.

The ride is upside down. And you hate that feeling. Austin's laughing and smiling. You imagine if someone were looking at your face, and see a frightened teenager ready to puke.

Puke. Oh gosh. No. You focus on your breathing and close your eyes.

Only a few more loops and then it'll be done.

You're mentally slapping the backs of Jessa and Emma's heads. You're grip gets tighter around the metal. Making your knuckles white as snow. A few mo--

You feel the blood rush to your head as the ride slows down. And your hair goes up. Or is it down??? I don't care! You open you eyes and look at Austin he's still laughing and looks amused.

"Don't like these sort of things do you." He states.

"Yeah no. Not really. I got dragged onto this by my friends." You nod in the direction of the cart in front of you.

"Niccceeee.." He chuckles.

"Yeah. " you smile.

Your head starts throbbing from the blood rushing to your skull.

Then the coaster moves forward and your head feels better.

Then it jerks to a stop. Finally. The lap bar goes up and people step out, a few wobbly.

Austin slides out and offers his hand out and I take it. I slide out and I am proud to say I stood straight. Ahah.

"Well My lady. Would you and your friends like to join Alex, Robert, and I for an evening stroll. " he bows. And starts laughing

I laugh. Ill play along.

"Well Sir Mahone. My lady's and I have duties to attend to later tonight. And our Pesky parents orders upon arrivals before the clock strikes twelve..." You start start trailing off.

"We can make sure you arrive on time home, due to the restricted time permitted." We walk down to the cotton candy stand. He puts his hat back on. Classic bulls.

"I'll ask them. " I say smiling and turn and see then heading over to me.

"Soooo...who's this. " Jessa nudges my side.

"Just kidding. I know who you are." She laughs. " I mean, with ALL the posters on (Y/---" I cover her mouth with my hand. And pinch her thigh Indian style.

"I mean magazines. "

We all start laughing.

"Okay. So this is uhm Robert and Alex." The guys wave to us as Austin introduces them.

"Hola!" Alex says.

"Aye." Robert says.

"Well...lets go play some games!" Emma yells excited. She's crazy like that.

We all yell in unison "yes!"

Then we take off for the arcade games.


Sorry if there are any errors!



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