Chapter 3 - Reece

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Author's Note

Hi again!

I find it hilarious and annoying at the same time that if a girl is a bit moody everyone assumes it’s her time of month. Random but relevant to this chapter...

Also I'm trying to update regularly which I hope you guys like! This chapter isn't that long but has important information in it ;) Also, remember to comment below with feedback and random thoughts related to this! Please vote if you enjoy this and check out my completed White Eskimo story if you get bored waiting for updates!

Thanks loves,



The desk was covered in sketches instigated by a wild imagination and scrawled notes from endless lectures. In a week the table top had gone from neat, clean and pristine to the typical English Uni student's hectic study area. Madly rushing to swipe away the clutter, I clutched the ringing phone like a farmer chasing its sheep.

"Hello?" I asked, my breath catching.

"Reece!" someone chirped down the other end of line. I sighed, releasing a breath of relief. I had been worried it was my mother... again.

Beaming, I greeted my friend. "Hi Kat!" Nostalgia didn't even cover how I was feeling. I missed Kat so much, even though it had been a week since I last saw her. University was great and Emilia was fun to hang around but she paled in comparison to Kat. It wasn't easy to replace a friend you had shared your darkest secrets with. 

"Thank goodness you picked up," she groaned exasperatedly, causing me to envision the girl with her legs kicked up as she threw darts at a target. At first I was startled by her sudden mood change.

"Everything alright?" I questioned gingerly, treading on tender ground. "You sound a bit grouchy-"

"I'm not on my period, if that's what you're asking. Despite popular belief, no, that is not the reason. Actually, it's that boy - no git. I can't believe he had the nerve. The bloody nerve!"

Exhaling, I deadpanned and settled onto my chair, aware that by Kat's tone the conversation was going to last a while. "What happened this time?"

"He thinks he has every right to just saunter up and own me like some arrogant princess. Why doesn't he just get the message that I hate his guts and will never think of hooking up with him?"

With an 'oh' I realised who the boy that Kat was talking about was. Since our first term of third form, Nicholas Tress had devoted his life to dating Kat. It was stupid, innocent infatuation but every time I told my friend that it was just a childhood crush which would fade away with age, Nicholas became even more determined and annoying. I couldn't blame Kat for getting infuriated each time he tried to blackmail her into a date. We discovered in sixth form that his friend had dared him to 'get down' with Kat, giving her yet another reason to loath him. Truthfully, I think the only reason he persisted was because of the reaction he received from Kat.

"Well Nicholas is going to Birming-"

"Don't you dare mention his insufferable name in a sentence," Kat hissed, cutting me off with her violent tone.

"I was just saying that he was moving soon so..."

She groaned. "Right. Six months is so soon. I just wish he would grow up."

"Ignore him, he's just a chav who's desperate for attention. Now, so that's the end of the boy trouble?"

"Well there is this... one boy..."

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