Chapter 9 - Reece

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Author's Note


Wait what? Ok, never mind that… I'm so sorry this didn't come out sooner. I had this whole chapter written and then my computer crashed and I couldn't get any of my work back :(

Here it is now though, so enjoy and remember to vote and comment!



I woke up to someone's shouts blaring in my ears. At that moment I wanted to punch whoever it was, but me being me, that was highly unlikely. 

"Happy Birthday!" My eyes peeled open, still slits, but wide enough to view the boy in front of me.

Turning over and attempting to fall back asleep, I mumbled, "Mmm… wait, what?" The statement didn't register at first, and I succumbed to the delight of dozing. I bolted up, suddenly awake and eying Harry cautiously.

"It's today isn't it?"

Nodding tersely, I held my breath. "Yeah, but I didn't tell you that! How did you find out? How?"

Harry's brows pulled together as a wave of confusion swept over his face. "Oh em, I guessed. I mean the grey hair kind of gave it away but…"


As my eyes still remained wide and frozen in horror, Harry burst out laughing, rolling on the ground like he was having a seizure. For a second I was scared to approach him - he seemed to be completely insane, and if not, then severely intoxicated. "I'm pulling your leg," he chortled, eyes shut tightly. "Don't get your pants in a twist. You told me yesterday, though you must be too tired to remember."

That was probably correct, but I couldn't get over the fact that someone had actually taken note of anything I had said. One would normally find it endearing but I well knew I was far from normal and Harry's sudden interest was startling. "Oh… ok, erm," I gulped, choking as my throat contracted.

"Wait, it is ok, right? I'm so sorry Reece, I-"

"No it's ok. I'm just shocked. No one really remembers my birthday s'all. But thanks." I wasn't sure what to say to Harry. No one remembered my birthday - not even my own mother - except for Kat, and even then I hated it when she made a big deal out of it. A birthday was just another day of the year, just another day older. Maybe the indifference to the event was caused by my mother who, had she remembered, would have made the day hell considering she deeply regretted ever giving birth to me.

So Harry not only remembering, but congratulating me - that was too odd to process.

"How old are you now then?"

"Nineteen," I spouted, not having to think for a second for I had already ingrained the rudimental fact in my brain. I didn't care so much about when I turned eighteen, but now that I was nineteen - the exact age my mother had been when I was born - it only brought about a squeam.

"What? You're older than me?"

Smirking, I taunted, "well, yes. I thought it was obvious since half the time you act like a five year old."

"I do not-" he whined. "Oh."

"Yeah, 'oh'."

Harry stood up, stalking away with his shoulders stiff. Scared that I had offended him, I jumped up after the boy and went after him as he approached the door. Biting my lip, I shook his shoulder in an attempt to get him to face me. But Harry was holding back a grin, trapping his bottom lip in those stunning pearly whites.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2014 ⏰

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