Sting Eucliffe

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Hello Readers! Thank you for your reviews and votes, much appreciated! Sorry for the late update, but please enjoy! Have a nice day everyone. :D


Lucy's POV

After an aimless stroll in the rain, I decided to return to Magnolia without informing Natsu or anyone else. I walked down Strawberry Street before arriving at my apartment. I unlocked the door before laying on my bed tiredly.

I closed my eyes and the only sound I could hear was my heartbeat.

Just then, a golden light shone out of nowhere and I opened my eyes only to see Loke standing before me. I sat up groggily and greeted him, "Loke, what brings you here?"

"Hey Lucy! I have a favour to ask, but before that, why the long face?" Loke asked in concern.

I forced a smile on my lips and replied, "I'm just tired, nothing to worry about. So what's your favour?"

Loke looked unconvinced but he did not press further, "If you say so. Anyways, I have two tickets to the Grand Wizards' Party, I'm sure you've heard of this party before right?"

The Grand Wizards' Party refers to a celebration held annually to celebrate the efforts of wizards and everything that we have done for the society. I've never been to the party but from the rumours I've heard, the party have always been extremely grand.

I nodded.

"Well you see, I have this small problem and I need your help," Loke said.

I quirked my eyebrows and asked, "What is it?"

"I don't have a partner for the party. So Lucy, will you please go with me? I guarantee that you'll have fun there too! I don't want to look stupid by going alone." Loke begged.

I've never been to the party, so why not? Besides I need something to lift my spirits.

I smiled, "Sure."

Loke beamed and said, "Thanks Lucy, but you have to hurry, the party will be starting soon. We'll be leaving in thirty minutes."

"Okay." I replied before getting on my feet hastily to get dressed.


After an hour's trip on the carriage, we arrived at the designated venue.

The place looked magnificent. Everything looked extremely fancy and majestic.

Loke alighted first before offering his hand out for me as I walked down the small steps from carriage. I thanked him as I looped my arm in his.

I looked around and saw many other women dressed beautifully. This made me looked down at my dress nervously. Loke noticed my drop in confidence and he assured me, "Don't worry Lucy, you're just as beautiful as anyone here. After all, you've adorned yourself in such a pretty dress." He paused as he looked at me from head to toe before breaking out into a smile, "You really look lovely tonight."

I smiled in gratitude and replied, "Thank you, you look great too."

Loke grinned in return as he guided me up the stairs. We entered the ballroom and there were already tons of people gathered inside. There were many great mages from all around the kingdom and it made me feel slightly overwhelmed.

"Woah." I looked around in awe.

"Right?" Leo said as he looked just as excited.

Just as the both of us were gushing about how crazy this party is, a voice boomed through the speakers, "Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Welcome you to the Grand Wizards' Party! Thank you for taking your time to attend this party as this is one of our means for us to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for all that you've done for us."

The audience clapped.

After the claps subsided, the emcee continued, "Without further ado, I would like all of you to fill up your stomachs before we proceed with the events planned specially for you. Please head to the ends of the room for the buffet tables and please do enjoy yourselves tonight, thank you!"

Loke and I walked to the buffet tables along with the crowd to get our dinner. After we took our food and placed it at one of those tall tables, many female mages approached Loke and he was soon engaged in a flirtatious conversation with all of them.

With nothing else to do, I looked around the ballroom mindlessly until a blonde man caught my eye. With his violet irises and signature earring, I recognized him immediately as one of the Twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth.

Somehow I just can't seem remember that man's name even though it's right at the tip of my tongue. Unknowingly, I was looking at him for quite some time. He was having a conversation with other mages until he caught me staring at him.

Instinctively, I dropped my gaze quickly to my food, feeling slightly embarrassed. After long seconds, I looked up timidly to sneak a peek at him, only to see him still staring at me. Our eyes met and, I just can't seem to look away.

He smiled at me and raised his glass of champagne. I raised mine back awkwardly before turning away out of embarrassment.

Well that was awkward.

After that incident, I did not dare to spare that man a second glance.

Soon, everyone finished their meals and the speakers boomed as if on cue, "Ladies and gentlemen, now that you've had your fill, it's time for us to commence the events. For our first event, we would start with ballroom dancing just to break the ice. Every fifteen minutes, the music would change and that would be the signal for you to switch partners. I'm sure that all of you would agree that this is an efficient and fun way to get to know one another." The emcee spoke in an upbeat manner.

"Please choose your first partner for the dance and we would begin shortly." The emcee concluded.

Loke looked at me with a knowing smile. He placed his right arm behind his back and extended his other hand towards me before bowing down, "May I have the honour of being your first partner, milady?"

The corners of my lips curved into a smile due to Loke's antics before I placed my hand atop of his, "Of course."

The music started to play and Loke pulled me in for a dance. As I waltzed with Loke, all of the sadness in me seemed to have just wash away. Loke twirled me around and I was genuinely enjoying myself. Our time together came to an end quickly and I soon found myself dancing with a stranger.

We shared a short introduction and a few smiles before dancing in silence. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Loke was already flirting with his partner and I can't help but smile at his behaviour.

That playboy would never change, would he?

After several partner changes, we were told to search for our final partner. I looked around the room the find a man whom I haven't danced with. As I was struggling to find one, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the young man of Sabertooth.

I was surprised. He smiled at me and said, "Hey, my name is Sting Eucliffe." He bowed down in a fashion similar to Loke and offered his hand,

"May I have your last dance, my lady?"

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